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where we are overall in terms of compliance,   FAST FACTS
               was to assess ourselves against our legislative       600+                               70%
               compliance register,’ says Nicola. ‘We’ve
               also assessed ourselves against the hazard   50,000    volunteers                       of WAST workforce
               register and can now more easily identify                                              involved in emergency
                                                                                                        medical services
                                                    urgent calls to
               areas that can be strengthened. Both of
                                                    WAST every year
               these documents are live documents and
               are frequently reviewed. It has helped the                              112          250,000

               organisation prioritise improvement efforts   3,500+
               and, where necessary, make the investments
                                                    employed                     WAST premises, including   emergency
               required. It has also strengthened the                             ambulance stations and   calls to WAST
               assurance that can be provided to the trust                        clinical contact centres  every year
               board on OSH matters.’
                 There are some concrete results already.
               A previous audit of WAST in 2018 provided
               the trust with limited assurance, but that   working on stage four when we were still in   proud of the work that Nicola and the team
               has been upgraded to ‘reasonable’ assurance   stage two to three,’ Nicola says.  have undertaken on Working Safely and
               across all six requirements within the audit.  ‘So when our DSE assessor goes into our   co-producing it with the very colleagues it
                And WAST’s health and safety risk score,   clinical contact centres and somebody wants   is there to support has been the key to its
               which incorporates failure to deliver a mature   a complex DSE assessment because they’ve   success to date, as well as buy-in at board
               OSH culture, has been reduced from 20 in   got a problem, they are now starting to say:   level. There is always more to do, but what
               2018 to 15 in May 2022. Nicola is reviewing it   “I’m okay but my friend over there needs   we have already achieved since its creation
               and expects to hit the target score of 10.  one.” That shows us the green shoots of   has given us a promising progress on this
                 Early signs of changing the risk culture   interdependency, which is fantastic.”  important programme of work.’
               are already encouraging. ‘We use the Bradley   Jonathan Turnbull-Ross, the trust’s
               curve [see:] as our   assistant director of quality, says: ‘Our job as   Making things happen
               cultural maturity tool, and I would say we   an ambulance service is to care for people,   Nicola is keen to emphasise that buy-in and
               are at a stage of “dependent” moving heavily   so health and safety must be at the heart of   support from above has been crucial.
               towards “independent”. We don’t move   all we do and that applies to patients, staff     ‘The leadership team and the board
               through the stages one-by-one – we were   and volunteers in equal measure. We are   have been extremely supportive of the
                                                                                     programme and have prioritised safety, in
                                                                                     terms of investments I have required, and
                                                                                     their personal commitments to leading and
                                                                                     supporting this journey. There has really been
                                                                                     buy-in from the top tier down. The assistant
                                                                                     director of quality has believed in and helped
                                                                                     shape the programme’s vision and direction
                                                                                     from day one and has supported us every step
                                                                                     throughout this worthwhile journey.’
                                                                                       She continues: ‘We get a lot of engagement

                                                                                     from staff wanting help, and we get active
                                                                                     requests from staff for our input into

                                                                                     meetings and projects across the trust, which
                                                                                     I think shows that they like our engagement
                                                                                     and they don’t see us as the old stereotypical
                                                                                     health and safety clipboard wielders. We set
                                                                                     ourselves out as an enabling team that makes
                                                                                     things happen, safely.’

                                                                                          Further information: ambulance.nhs.

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