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range of products small businesses use to   assessments, better communication and more

               assist with staff health.’         OSH inspections.
                                                    Rebecca says digitalisation and wellbeing
               Emerging technologies              go hand in hand, with the former having the
               Another impact of COVID-19 was the rapid   potential to ease workloads. ‘We have grown so
               acceleration of digitalisation, with the   much that many of our existing processes have
                                                                                                  Health and safety audits:

               emergence of technologies like artificial   become bulky. Manually scanning documents,
               intelligence, big data and advanced robotics   for example, can put additional pressure on     SMEs health and wellbeing
               bringing both opportunities and risks for   people. If we can digitalise tasks, policies and   guide:
               workers and employers managing OSH.   the way we exchange information, we can have   Bupa-SME-health-insurance
                 Research conducted by YouGov on behalf of   a positive impact on managing stress levels     Specialist advice
               IONOS (2022), one of Europe’s largest cloud   and demands on employees.’         for small businesses:
               and hosting service providers, found that since   She says this is one of the most important
               the pandemic, 76% of UK SMEs considered   challenges facing small businesses, adding:     Health and safety basics:
               digitalisation important for the future viability   ‘You can have all the procedures, policies and
               of the business.                   equipment in place, but if you’re relying on
                 The European Agency for Safety and   human input then that human needs to be in

               Health at Work underlines key opportunities   the right place mentally to function effectively.
               for OSH (EU-OSHA, 2019). For example,   ‘In some ways, it’s easier to have an impact
               by using technology to relieve workers of   in an SME. It’s about personal development

               repetitive tasks, or by offering more effective   and having important conversations to   For references, see

               OSH training, advanced workplace risk   support people when they’re struggling.’    ioshmagazine.SME-challenges

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