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they are doing the same type of job or   David adds that an immediate way that   TINNITUS
               working in the same area.         OSH professionals can make an impact is
                 Neal warns that a one-size-fi ts-  by ensuring that staff have comfortable,

               all approach may not consider the   suitable ear protection and that they   The facts

               complexities of the working environment   know how to fit correctly.
                                                                                          Another condition closely related
               or an employee’s exposure to noise   ‘It is highly recommended to try as
                                                                                          to noise exposure is tinnitus - the

               outside work, which can be a key factor.   many different sorts of protection as
                                                                                          sensation of hearing a sound even
                 He adds that OSH professionals also   possible to reach the most satisfactory   when there is no external source.
               need to be fully trained in using sound   outcome, because our ears are all

               meters and other equipment, so they can   different,’ he says. ‘Most of the disposable   According to the charity Tinnitus UK,
               properly perform risk assessments and   ear protection products are cheap, and so   around one in seven adults in the
               may only have small windows of time to   can be tried at will.’            UK are aff ected
               evaluate the situation.            David says that other types of          by the condition,
                 Given this limitation, he questioned   protection are also available, including   which can also be
                                                                                          associated with
               whether some of their findings would   over-ear defenders, which are his method

                                                                                          ear infections and
               be representative of true operational   of choice, especially for short durations.
                                                                                          stress and anxiety.
               conditions, especially given the changing   ‘For longer continual durations, I fi nd

               nature of noise in most workplaces.   the in-ear foam plugs effective and
                                                                                                        Their recent
                 ‘In many cases, noise monitoring   comfortable,’ he adds. ‘Any method of               survey found
               today does not deliver the correct level   protection is far more comfortable than       that more than
               of insight into what a person’s individual   noise-induced hearing loss or tinnitus.’    a third (35%) of
               exposures actually are,’ says Neal. ‘It’s a   Noise monitoring technology will play      people attributed
               far from ideal process, identifying who is   a growing role in ensuring workers are not   their tinnitus to
               at risk and how we tackle that risk.’  exposed to high levels in the workplace.   loud noise exposure, and twice as
                                                 Shawcity’s Gabriela and Ben believe that   many men (48%) as women (24%)
                                                                                          said noise exposure was a cause of
               Beyond the guidance               emerging technology is revolutionising
                                                                                          their condition.
               Neal believes most companies are   measurement accuracy by accounting for

               complying with the current guidelines   the specific PPE worn by employees.
                                                                                          And four out of 10
               around noise exposure. The question, he   They say some advanced devices off er
                                                                                          respondents (39%)
               adds, is how to help organisations who   voice recording capabilities to ensure
                                                                                          who were exposed
               want to go beyond those guidelines.  data integrity by detecting measurement
                                                                                          to noise at work said
                  ‘The way to improve what companies   inaccuracies. ‘Additionally, these   they ‘never’ used

               are doing is to help the individual   innovative tools are equipped to filter out   hearing protection, while only a
               understand what their exposure levels   vibration waves, thus providing a more   quarter (24%) said they ‘always or
               are, because they can then take that into   precise representation of noise exposure   sometimes’ used hearing protection.
               other activities,’ he explains.   levels,’ they add.
                 ‘Employers need to help workers   Calvin and James say that mobile       ‘People of any age can get
               understand that noise exposure does not   phone apps have come a long way since   tinnitus,’ says Tinnitus UK’s
               clock off at 5pm. They need to look after   their inception, and, while not always   communications manager,

               themselves outside of work, because   highly accurate, will give you an idea of   Nic Wray.  ‘Because it’s an
                                                                                                      invisible condition, it
               recreational noise exposure can cause   whether you need to address the issue.
                                                                                                         does go under
               noise-induced hearing loss that will   ‘Some entry-level dosimeters will
                                                                                                          the radar a
               come back and impact the company.’  enable you to get an idea of personal noise
                                                                                                          bit. People
                 Association of Noise Consultants   levels for employees,’ they say.
                                                                                                          don’t realise
               (ANC) member David Garritt says one   While risk control always comes                    the extent of the
               of the main complaints heard from   first, there is an abundance of PPE     problem. We cannot turn back the

               workers during noise awareness training   and noise-monitoring systems to help   clock on age-related hearing loss, but
               in the workplace is that they find ear   employers protect their workers in   we can do something about noise-

               protection uncomfortable.         noisy environments.                      induced hearing loss.’
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