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cover the health and wellbeing side of things.’ EXPERT TIPS important. So, while you probably can’t take
In situations like this, people often go offff all the pressure off someone, by conducting
work with stress but when they come back surveys and talking to staff you can often
they find that lack of cover means their duties Advice identify problems before they surface.’
have remained unfulfilled in their absence, for SMEs
leading to further periods of sick leave. Focus on mental health
Research by Jane Suter found that while Since the COVID-19 pandemic forced many
small businesses often took a more personal REBECCA LEWIS workforces to embrace a hybrid model,
and informal approach to employee wellbeing ‘Identify someone in your team mental health has moved up the political
who is a natural communicator
that went ‘above and beyond’ their legal and organisational agenda. Research by
and could be a mental health first
duties, the impact of managing mental health the FSB found that 28% of small employers
aider. Having a diverse team is also
issues was felt more widely (Suter et al, 2023). now provide occupational health for their
important as people tend to open
Jane, a senior lecturer in human resource staff – up from just 10% in 2018 (FSB, 2022).
up more to those they can relate to.
management at the University of York, says: ‘Be thrifty about the resources However, Jane says that having more people
‘We found what was particularly challenging you use – there is so much out working from home can have a ‘paradoxical
for small business managers when supporting there that’s free or low cost. Finally, impact’ on mental health and wellbeing.
an employee experiencing mental distress I’m always keen to enter the RoSPA ‘On the one hand, flexible work and choice
was the competing pressures between Awards – it’s so valuable to reflect of location is positive for wellbeing,’ she says.
responding to individual needs alongside the on what you’re doing, celebrate ‘On the other hand, working from home can
needs of the wider business. what’s good and identify where you reduce opportunities for social connection.
need to improve.’
‘Another was the swift impact of one There is also a concern over how managers
employee’s mental health, which could can spot poor wellbeing when managing
permeate the entire workforce. To put it remotely. Managing workplace wellbeing at
‘Employers need to be aware that
into perspective, in a small business with a distance is that much harder and requires
there will be actions to address as
10 employees, the reduced productivity or part of the risk assessment/audit. more thought and effort, putting additional
absence of one employee equates to 10% of Attached to any action plan will be strain on managers.’
the workforce.’ the requirement to apply time, eff ort Caroline agrees, saying that one of her
and potentially financial support to clients had recently asked her employees
Help is out there achieve what’s necessary. to come back into the office for this reason.
She says small businesses also have limited ‘It’s also important for ‘It was apparent that people working from
resources to support employees, with less employers to understand that OSH home all the time were more isolated. So the
professionals are there to provide
access to HR expertise and occupational policy was changed and everyone has to be in
competent advice and guidance,
health, and fewer opportunities to offer the office for at least one day a week.’
and support them to achieve and
flexibility and changes to a job role. But there However, reasonable adjustments need to
maintain compliance. Employers
are schemes out there that can help OSH be made for those who are unable to be in the
should not cherry-pick which parts
professionals to manage their workload. of the advice they choose to follow.’ office one day a week, and effective processes
Rebecca believes one such scheme, the should always be in place to cover this.
British Safety Council’s Being Well Together JANE SUTER While making small changes like this
(BWT) programme, has helped Green Frog ‘Balancing everyone’s needs can can make a difference, the FSB says SMEs
Connect. Like other similar services, they take an emotional toll on managers. are calling for more government support
offer online advice and resources to help Organisations often look to reduce to look after their people. Martin McTague,
organisations create and maintain a health, psychosocial risks among the national chair of the FSB, says: ‘Some 44%
workforce, but line managers
safety and wellbeing strategy. of small firms say they would be encouraged
can be at increased risk due to
Rebecca explains: ‘I wanted to create a to use occupational health services if there
competing business priorities.
health and wellbeing survey and I used to was financial support from the government,
‘There is a need to focus on
use the HSE stress management tool. But we while 35% want additional information.
supporting the wellbeing of
had to administer it manually and manage all managers in addition to investment A third (31%) would be encouraged by a
the issues around anonymity, which isn’t my in management skills. OSH specialist service aimed at small businesses.
strength. With BWT, it was all done for us. professionals can work with other ‘We’d therefore like to see an expansion
‘Having open communication and being functions and other professional of the exemption for benefit-in-kind
aware of the demands on people is really bodies to build these capabilities.’ employers’ National Insurance to a greater
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