Page 60 - IOSH JanFeb24_Full LR
P. 60


                                            Exposure to noise at work is
                                            commonplace in many sectors,
                                            but what can be done to
                                            protect personnel?

                                            WORDS JAMIE HAILSTONE

                                                                                     hearing at work because of the loud sirens
                                                                                     used to alert the public.
                                                                                       Meanwhile, night club and hospitality
                      oise exposure presents many                                    workers were at risk of exposure to loud
                      challenges for those working in                                music. Construction-related jobs such as
                      the world of OSH, particularly in                              site workers, tree surgeons, iron workers
                      terms of how best to measure and                               and welders also featured as some of the
                      monitor the situation, protect   The EU Commission estimates that   jobs most likely to have a negative impact
               N workers and mitigate any impact.  57.3 million people in Europe are living with   on hearing, as these workers operate loud
                 Nearly 2.5 billion people around the   ‘disabling hearing loss’ and that untreated   machinery (Boots Hearingcare, 2023).
               globe are projected to have some degree   hearing loss costs Europe €213bn annually   Nick Higginson CMIOSH, chief executive
               of hearing loss by 2050, and at least 700   – €49bn more than the total EU budget for   of Phoenix Health & Safety, says UK-based
               million – around one in 10 people – will   2021 (European Parliament, 2022). In the   OSH professionals should be aware of the
               require hearing rehabilitation (World   UK, one in five adults (12 million) are deaf or   Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005.

               Health Organization (WHO), 2023).   have hearing loss or tinnitus. This equates to   He says these regulations require employers
               Hearing loss impacts adversely on   roughly 10.1 million people in England, one   to assess risk, take action to reduce the noise
               mental health and general wellbeing, as   million people in Scotland, 61,0000 people   exposure that creates the risk and, if that’s
               well as creating the potential need for   in Wales and 32,0000 people in Northern   not possible, to provide hearing protection.
               career changes.                    Ireland (Royal National Institute for Deaf   ‘The risk to employees’ hearing depends
                 In its 2018 environmental noise guidance,   People, 2023).          on the frequency of exposure, and the sound
               WHO also states that, after poor air quality,   A recent study by Boots Hearingcare   level in decibels [dB],’ he explains. ‘A sound
               exposure to noise presents the largest health   (2023) found that emergency service   level of 80dB can be harmful if exposure is
               risk to the population of Western Europe.  workers were at high risk of damaging their   regular, and that’s not much noisier than


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