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easoned OSH professionals might to respond to the coroner within 56 days Meanwhile, a survey by social enterprise
argue that every occupational fatality (unless an extension is agreed). Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England
is preventable – or at least avoidable. ‘While the coroner sets out the issues found that 75% of employees do not
The more employers know about the identified and recommends that action believe suicide prevention is part of their
causes and patterns of workplace should be taken, it is a matter for the recipient organisation’s wellbeing strategy. It also
Sdeaths, the better enabled they are to to determine what form that action should found that only 19% would discuss having
take preventative action. take,’ Ali says. ‘suicidal thoughts’ (MHFA England, 2023).
In the UK, one of the primary sources of Sarah Valentine, partner and EHS ‘We know that, in general, employers
data that shapes those patterns is the yearly specialist at law practice Eversheds have a responsibility to identify, assess,
‘Work-related fatal injuries’ updates from the Sutherland, and an assistant coroner, states: prevent and mitigate psychosocial risks in
GB Health and Safety Executive (HSE). The ‘We are seeing a lot more focus on PFD the workplace,’ says Ruth. ‘We also know
latest figures from April 2022 to March 2023 reports and, in some instances, following that workplaces that proactively engage in
report that 135 workers were killed in work- the end of the inquest, mini-hearings on mental health prevention and promotion
related incidents (HSE, 2023). This is higher those reports are taking placce. They are interventions can improve employees’
than the previous year, in which there were definitely a useful tool for organisations when mental health.
123 deaths, but in line with pre-pandemic considering improvements.’ ‘These need to be developed specifically
levels, the HSE states. Reviewing PFD reports also helps for the sector and their employees, as they
The evidence suggests that the number stakeholders to understand what diffi culties, will have specific mental health risk factors
of work-related deaths – particularly those issues and areas for concern are flagged unique to their sector. If data on the trends
linked to mental health issues – are not within a given industry, Sarah adds. were available, then the materiality of
decreasing significantly. the contribution made by work could be
More than ever, it seems, a source of determined.’
Offi cial reporting
accredited and accurate information about It is also instructive for employers to access
all work-related fatalities would positively of workplace the responses submitted by organisations in
inform employers’ safety and health policies. response to PFD reports, says Sarah. ‘This
suicides is not information shows what organisations within
Coroners’ PFD reports a sector are putting in place to improve
keeping up with
A Prevention of Future Deaths (PFD) report risk management practices and wellbeing
(or Regulation 28 report) is sent to the societal traumas provisions, and manage ill-health/suicide risk
relevant individuals or organisations where within their organisations.’
the coroner believes that action should be
taken to prevent further loss of life. However, Suicide blindspot
the duty to write a PFD is only actuated in ‘All fatal injuries need to be properly The broader challenge is that offi cial
a minority of cases: in England and Wales investigated, immediate and root causes reporting of workplace suicides is not keeping
36,273 inquests were opened in 2022, but identified, and prompt remedial action up with the impacts of societal traumas
only 403 PFD reports issued (Ministry of taken,’ says Ruth Wilkinson, head of policy such as COVID-19, financial stress and work
Justice, 2023). and public affairs at IOSH. ‘Contributing overload.
Fifty-five per cent of respondents to the factors must also be addressed. As part of this A report by the University of Leeds found
2020 Coroner Attitude Survey in England process, the information from coroners’ PFD that employee suicides are still largely treated
and Wales said that PFDs were ‘effective in reports should be included and addressed, as as an individual mental health problem
preventing future deaths’. The prevention of well as information from associated employer that has no direct relevance for work or the
future deaths was named as the second most organisations and other sources as relevant.’ workplace (Waters and Palmer, 2021).
important coroner function, by 96% (Thomas A suicide that takes place in the workplace
and McGuinness, 2021). Suicide in the workplace or is related to work does not need to be
PFD reports are primarily supplied on a It is estimated that around 10% of suicides reported to any public agency, the report
discretionary basis. Ali Cloak, inquest partner
notes. And in the aftermath of an employee
are work-related, although this connection is
IMAGE: SHUTTERSTOCK at law firm RWK Goodman, says that when not currently monitored or recorded in Offi ce taking their own life, employers are not
obliged to assess workplace risks or make any
for National Statistics suicide data (Hazards
an organisation receives a PFD report it is
obliged to consider the concerns raised, and
Campaign, 2021).
changes to policies or practices.
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