Page 70 - IOSH JanFeb24_Full LR
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TOPIC: Leading indicators in Safety
the construction industry
TITLE: Benefits and challenges
relating to the implementation
of health and safety leading training
indicators in the construction TOPIC: Leadership and
industry: a systematic review employee safety behaviours
the benefits and challenges of transfer safety: a time-lagged study
TITLE: For the sake of
PUBLISHED BY: Safety Science
SUMMARY: The first review of
investigating the relationships
implementing leading indicators between perceived leadership
in the construction industry Plus leading indicators in the behaviours and employee
found that understanding safety behaviours
them is critical for achieving construction industry, safety PUBLISHED BY: Safety Science
zero accidents. The study behaviours from top to bottom, and SUMMARY: Employee safety
identified eight benefits behaviours are related to
and eight challenges, but psychosocial working conditions. accidents so, to improve safety,
established that there is no it is necessary to find ways to
consensus on the definition increase safety behaviours.
of these leading indicators. Researchers investigated
The review also indicates TOPIC: Safety training transfer organisation. The researchers relationships between four
that there is no consensus TITLE: Safety training in conducted 12 semi-structured categories of perceived
on their effectiveness and context: technical, cultural and interviews with experienced leadership behaviours and
ability for predicting future political factors affecting its health and safety trainers. three categories of employee
health and safety performance design, delivery and transfer They identified a range safety behaviours to fill the
consistently. The researchers PUBLISHED BY: Journal of technical, cultural and perceived gaps in the current
identified six research areas of Safety Research political factors that can leadership and safety literature.
that should be explored SUMMARY: For the first operate at individual, They tested three cross-
to broaden the sector’s time, the importance of organisational or supra- lagged panel models, which
understanding and improve the supra-organisational factors organisational levels to allowed them to test cross-
efficacy of leading indicators on on training transfer have influence training transfer. sectional associations, as well
health and safety performance, been highlighted in a study The study drew attention to as time-lagged (prospective)
and said there is a need investigating why classroom the influence of political and relationships. They found that
to investigate the relative training is not always adopted supra-organisational factors, four categories of perceived
importance of the identified and applied in the workplace. which are not consistently specific leadership behaviours
benefits and challenges. Researchers aimed to considered in safety training were positively associated
READ REPORT AT: conceptualise this problem design and delivery. with three types of employee as one of ‘fit’ between what is READ REPORT AT: safety behaviours in the
leading-indicators trained and factors in the work construction industry. Their
environment of the adopting time-lagged analyses also ILLUSTRATION: IKON IMAGES
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