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                        in depth

                          We take a look at two recent
                             papers to see how their

                            findings can inform OSH.

                TITLE                          prior LTSA, in four biannual national
               Safety climate at               cohort surveys in 2012–18 for two
               work and risk of                years in a national register of social
               long-term sickness              transfer payments. Weighted Cox
                                               regression was used to control for
               absence: prospective
                                               age, gender, survey year, education,
               cohort with register            lifestyle, psychosocial work factors,
               follow-up among                 occupational group and depressive
                                                                                organisation prioritises safety,
               63,500 workers                  symptoms. The study determined the   encourages safe practices and
                                               prospective association of the number
                PUBLICATION                                                     provides the resources and support for
                                               of safety climate problems (0–5) with
               Safety Science                                                   a safe work environment. Conversely,
                                               the risk of LTSA of six or more weeks.
                                                                                a negative safety climate suggests that
                                                During follow-up, 8.6% of employees
                BACKGROUND/AIMS                                                 employees may feel that safety is not
                                               developed LTSA. Compared with
               Sickness absence from work remains                               a top priority, which can lead to a lax
                                               individuals not reporting any safety
               a huge problem, with consequences                                attitude towards safety practices.
                                               climate problems, those reporting 1,
               for companies, societies, individuals                              ‘In this study, the presence of
                                               2, 3 and 4–5 problems experienced a
               and their dependents. An average                                 safety climate problems means that

                                               significantly increased risk of LTSA.
               of 3.6% of the working population                                employees are perceiving issues or

               in Denmark is absent every day    CONCLUSIONS                    deficiencies in their workplace’s
               due to sickness absence, and    Safety climate problems at work   safety culture. These problems can
               5.6% have experienced long-term   increase the risk of LTSA and can be   range from inadequate managerial
               sickness absence (LTSA) within the   considered a proactive indicator that   focus on safety and equipment to a
               last 12 months. This study aimed   actions need to be taken to improve   lack of safety communication, worker
               to investigate the scientific gap   safety, health and wellbeing in   involvement or reporting mechanisms.

               concerning the importance of the   the workplace.                The research highlights that even
               safety climate at work for the risk                              minor safety climate problems

               of LTSA in the general working    RESEARCHERS’ TAKEAWAY          can significantly impact long-term
               population, as well as in occupations   ‘Safety climate is an essential aspect   sickness absence, reinforcing the
               characterised by shorter education   of OSH management. It refl ects   importance of addressing these
               and/or physically demanding work.  how employees perceive their   issues for the wellbeing of employees
                                               organisation’s commitment to safety,   and the success of the organisation.
                METHODS AND FINDINGS           their colleagues’ safety behaviours and   The key message is that fostering
               The authors followed 63,500     the overall safety culture.      a positive safety climate is crucial
               employees of the general working   ‘A positive safety climate indicates   for overall employee wellbeing and
               population in Denmark, without   that employees believe their    organisational success in terms of


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