Page 75 - IOSH JanFeb24_Full LR
P. 75

Economic and political      and everything employees
                                                            events have presented new   value more than ever?
                  Time to
                                                            challenges for businesses   The answer: you go
                                                            like yours, with workforce   back to basics.
                                                            instability chief among them.
                  go back                                                               By making good OSH a core
                                                            As staff come and go, the   value across your entire
                                                            disruption can impact your   business, in every single
                                                            occupational safety and health   activity, you’ll nurture a
                  to basics
                                                            (OSH) performance – and that’s   positive, engaged attitude that
                                                            before you even think about   goes beyond today’s recruits.
                  Take control of your culture
                                                            sickness absence or skills gaps.
                                                                                        Are you meeting
                  with IOSH for Business
                                                            So how do you maintain a
                                                                                        your challenges?
                                                            culture that promotes not just
                                                                                        Ask our friendly IOSH for
                                                            safety and physical health,   Business team how we can
                                 but mental health, wellbeing   help:

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