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                                                      ‘You just don’t talk

                                                                                      their suffering. Many simply decide
                                                      about certain topics’:

                                                                                      that expressing suffering is too
                                                      how concerns to
                                                                                      risky, limiting their ability to receive
                                                      disclose suff ering             compassion at work.
                                                      to leaders constrain
                                                                                       RESEARCHER’S TAKEAWAY
                                                      compassion at work
                                                                                       ‘Our key finding is that fears of

                                                                                      disclosing suffering at work may be

                                                       PUBLICATION                    a primary constraint on compassion
                                                      Sustainability                  itself. Concerns about expressing

                                                                                      suffering were pervasive among
                                                                                      our participants, including image
                                                      Employee and organisational
                                                                                      management concerns, perceived
                                                      sustainability are threatened by
                                                                                      organisational pressures and
                                                      widespread stress, burnout and

                                                                                      worries that their suffering may add
                                                      mental health challenges, among other
                                                                                      to the burden of other colleagues.
                                                      life events. Compassion at work may
                                                                                        ‘Our early work suggests that
                                                      create more sustainable organisations
                                                                                      cultivating compassion at work
                                                      by alleviating this suffering, but it

                                                                                      actually begins with evaluating and
                                                      often fails to unfold. One potential
                                                                                      shaping the communication climate
                                                      explanation is that employees feel
                                                                                      within an organisation in order to
                                                      uncertain in expressing suff ering
                                                                                      help employees feel comfortable
                                                      at work. This study examined how

               occupational safety and health.’                                       disclosing suffering and discussing

                                                      suffering employees make sense of
               Mikkel Brandt Petersen and                                             details to get adequate help.’
                                                      compassionate interactions with
               Jeppe Ajslev, authors                                                  Cris Tietsort, lead author
                                                      leaders, and the concerns they have
                IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE             about disclosure at work.        IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE
                – IOSH’S TAKE                                                          – IOSH’S TAKE
                                                       METHOD AND FINDINGS
               Where workers have reservations                                        By identifying the factors that stop
                                                      Using qualitative, semi-structured
               about the extent to which their                                        workers from feeling able to disclose
                                                      interviews, the researchers found that

               safety and health are being                                            their suffering – for example,

                                                      suffering employees have four driving
               prioritised at work, it is perhaps                                     worries about crossing professional
                                                      concerns: (1) professionalism and
               unsurprising that more absences                                        boundaries and burdening
                                                      the appropriateness of suffering; (2)

               are eventually recorded. On the one                                    colleagues – the means to address

                                                      the validity of one’s suffering; (3) the
               hand this might come from a higher                                     these challenges are made clearer.
                                                      collective impact of a compassionate
               number of accidents or incidents                                          Compassionate policies,
                                                      response; and (4) image management.
               that affect workers’ physical health,                                  leadership communication

                                                      These concerns were often layered for
               but it might well come from the                                        strategies and the use of an
                                                      employees in ways that compounded
               mental health impacts of feeling                                       independent ombudsman signal
                                                      the challenge of disclosing suff ering
               unsafe or undervalued.                                                 a rounded approach to building
                                                      and openly engaging with leaders.
                 Particularly in an era where                                         compassion within an organisation.
               OSH is searching for predictive         CONCLUSIONS                      Acknowledging the concerns of
               indicators, it is worth exploring      This study highlights the       workers and developing a culture
               safety climate as a barometer of       precariousness and challenges   of compassion can serve the
               health and safety outcomes. It is      associated with personal suff ering   objective of building a resilient and
               also a question of working out what    within organisations. Employees face a   sustainable workforce.
               the key drivers of a safety climate    variety of concerns, compounding the   For the full report, go to

                                                      difficulty of expressing and discussing

              ILLUSTRATION: IKON actually are in a given organisation.
                   For the full report, go to
                                                                                                             IOSH MAGAZINE 73
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