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safety of workplaces will encourage similar
               organisations to implement changes before
               a similar death occurs,’ she says. ‘Using
               coronial data to build a culture that embraces   Two examples from
               learning rather than blame will help the

               findings from coroners’ inquests be used   fishing and agriculture

               to effectuate actions that would make UK
               working environments – and employees –
                                                        CAPSIZED              may be operating, which   an inadequately secured
               much safer.’
                                                        Three crew members    have been modified since   pre-cast concrete panel –

                                                        of a fishing boat died   the issue of the original   collapsed onto him due to

               Responsibility shifting to employers     after it capsized due to   safety certificate, and   structural weaknesses.

               ‘PFD reports often lead directly to changes   a combination of vessel   which require a full stability   ‘Publicising the risks

               being implemented to improve public      modifications, the weight   assessment before their   and educating the farmers
               health, welfare and safety,’ says Ali. ‘In a   and distribution of the   operational safety can be   of the risks of departing
               large organisation, or where the PFD report   catch and equipment, and   properly evaluated.’  from the recognised

                                                        effects on stability.                      method of fixing the

               is sent to a governing body, for example, any
                                                          The coroner stated: ‘I   COLLAPSED       pre-cast concrete panels
               remedial action could result in change on a
                                                        am concerned that other   A farm worker died from   may reduce the risk of
               very large scale. However, it’s important to

                                                        vessels (whether of a   injuries suffered when   future deaths,’ the coroner
               note that the coroner is not able to compel
                                                        similar size or otherwise)   part of a farm building –   concluded.
               that action be taken. It is not uncommon for
               a PFD response to set out that no remedial
               action will be taken, for example where a
               potential remedy is not economically viable.’
                 Sarah says: ‘There are examples of
               employers who respond to cases of work-  change, leading to amendments to company   enables organisations to search and review

               related suicide very effectively by carrying   policy or practice that address suicide risks   deaths through the conclusions available
               out a full investigation and ensuring that   and recognise the impact of work on mental   to coroners. Industry bodies and groups
               the circumstances that may have led one   health.                     can use information from PFD reports
               employee to suicide are fully investigated so   Now that coronial data on preventable   as topics/areas to increase awareness of
               that they do not continue to pose a risk to   deaths is available in an accessible database,   common issues, promote discussion and
               other employees.                   there is a huge opportunity for it to be   improve industry-wide practices.’
                 ‘The problem is that relying on employers   leveraged by safety practitioners, employers   OSH professionals are crucial in helping
               alone is very haphazard – some employers   and professional bodies, says Georgia. ‘To   organisations to create reporting and

               understand the importance of suicide   reduce the duplication of efforts, a centralised   learning cultures in which prevention
               prevention and put measures in place – but   professional body could commission an   lessons are learned, says Ruth. ‘They are
               others do not. We need basic regulatory   annual review of coroners’ PFD reports   best placed to work across the business
               requirements across all workplaces.’  involving OSH to identify learnings and issue   to support social sustainable practices
                 Any organisation with remote workers –   alerts to prevent avoidable deaths in the   and OSH performance evaluation and
               including those working from home – must   workplace,’ she says.      reporting. This can include increasing
               develop OSH systems that protect all of   Responsible employers have an   awareness and understanding about
               their employees, wherever they work, says   opportunity to actively monitor any trends or   coroners’ PFD reports, and how these can
               Ruth. ‘OSH practitioners can certainly play   patterns of work-related employee suicides   be used within organisations as relevant.’
               a vital role within organisations to develop   in the vertical sector or industry in which   ‘Learning lessons from near misses and
               strategies, initiatives or policies to prevent   they operate. This action could serve as an   adverse incidents is critical to safer ways of

               and mitigate psychosocial risk factors and   intentional best-practice first step that OSH   working,’ Ali continues, ‘and disseminating
               support worker mental health,’ she explains.   practitioners are well placed to help deliver.  the key learnings from PFD reports is a
                                                    Employer organisations can subscribe   prime opportunity to do this.’
               Lessons for OSH practitioners      to the Courts and Tribunals Judiciary to
               When a PFD report is issued to an employer   receive email alerts and other updates,   To view references for this article, visit   IMAGE: SHUTTERSTOCK
               it can act as a powerful mechanism for   Sarah says. ‘The website search function


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