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indicated that construction site   between psychosocial   that several psychosocial   the quality of patient care and
                 managers should be trained   working conditions and   working conditions were   safety and can impose high
                 and supported in encouraging   sickness absence (SA) among   associated with SA spells of   costs, so occupational health
                 safe behaviours, as well as in   employees, aged 15 to 30   any length, and that previous   in this industry requires proper
                 interrupting risky behaviours.  years, who entered the labour   studies on long-term SA   identification of hazards and

                 READ REPORT AT:          market in Denmark between   may be generalisable to   managing related risks. In this
              2010 and 2018. Registers   all lengths of SA among   study, researchers attempted
                 safety-behaviours        were used to follow 301,185   younger employees.  to develop an easy-to-use
                                          younger employees to assess   READ REPORT AT:     occupational health risk
                 TOPIC: Associations      their job insecurity, quantitative  assessment model with a
                 between psychosocial     demands, decision authority,   absence-assocations   fuzzy approach to evaluate
                 working conditions and   job strain, emotional demands                     risks more precisely, which
                 sickness absence         and work-related physical   TOPIC: Risk           could be applied to a wide
                 TITLE: Psychosocial working   violence for an average of   assessment models  variety of hazards. A fuzzy
                 conditions and sickness   2.6 years. Among women,   TITLE: Development and   inference system was designed
                 absence among younger    being employed in occupations   application of a fuzzy   and applied to develop the
                 employees in Denmark: a   with high versus low     occupational health risk   risk assessment model.
                 register-based cohort study   emotional demands showed   assessment model in the   Researchers found that the
                 using job exposure matrices  the strongest association   healthcare industry  developed model could be
                 PUBLISHED BY: Scandinavian   with SA. Among men, being   PUBLISHED BY: La Medicina   applied as a practical model
                 Journal of Work, Environment   employed in occupations with   del Lavoro   for evaluating occupational
                 and Health               low decision authority showed   SUMMARY: Workplace   health risks.
                 SUMMARY: This study aimed   the strongest association with   hazards and their impacts on   READ REPORT AT:
                 to investigate associations   SA. Researchers also found   the healthcare industry aff ect

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