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                  A wellbeing scheme is helping driving
                instructors to prosper in a post-pandemic
                            working environment.

                                   WORDS ALEX LACEY

                     rivetech, the UK driver   solo remote work would persist
                     training and safety     beyond the initial pandemic,
                     company that is part of   which they have.’
                     the AA, has developed     With connections to 20
                     a wellbeing champions’   organisations, including Anxiety
               Dsupport programme to         UK, Refuge and Men’s Health
               help trainers adapt to new ways of   Forum, the scheme delivers
               working, including online     tips on nutrition, exercise and
               and remote.                   establishing a healthy workspace.
                 Initially conceived as a    Materials include animated
               response to the challenges posed   videos which provide step-by-  THE MENTAL HEALTH
               by the pandemic, the initiative   step instructions on how to set up
               was launched by Drivetech’s   workspaces to support wellbeing.   RAMIFICATIONS OF THE COVID-19
               regional manager, Tim Innes.    The initiative has become a   ERA AND THE SHIFT TO SOLO
               Tim is a former senior police   valuable resource across Drivetech,

               leader and representative of   supporting both staff members   REMOTE WORK HAVE PERSISTED
               the South Yorkshire branch of   and contractors, and fostering
               superintendents, and he used his   a resilient work culture. The   BEYOND THE INITIAL PANDEMIC
               personal experiences of witnessing   scheme also won the company an
               the impact of poor mental health in   innovation award at the UK Road   Tim is continuing to innovate and
               the workplace to shape the scheme.  Offender Education National Police   refine the concept, creating new online

                 Tim told IOSH magazine:     Chiefs’ Council Awards 2023. The   resources as well as a trainer wellbeing

               ‘Trainers were accustomed     awards acknowledge significant   Microsoft Teams channel, with news,
               to collaborating closely and   contributions to road safety and   links, support and even a virtual coffee

               benefiting from a wider network   innovation within the field.   shop, where trainers can meet away

               of peer support.                In a 2023 survey, over 90% of   from the formal work environment.

                 ‘I also foresaw that the mental   trainers said they were satisfied

               health ramifications of the    with the support given to them by   For more information visit
               COVID-19 era and the shift to   regional managers and Drivetech.

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