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a vacuum cleaner, so OSH professionals
                in most industries will need to assess and
                manage risks appropriately.’
                 Employers must also consider their
                capacity to support hearing-impaired                                 the risk of hearing damage is high or any
                workers and those who develop hearing loss,  FAILING TO MONITOR      hearing impairment has been detected,
                recognising existing challenges as well   NOISE CAN LEAVE            an annual health review is imperative.
                as the need for prevention.                                          Workplace modifications, developing a

                                                      COMPANIES OPEN                 policy to purchase low-emission tools, and
                Noise vigilance                                                      setting up routine maintenance to maintain
                James Lackovic CertIOSH and Calvin      TO LITIGATION                equipment, for example, are all sensible
                Hanks CMIOSH at Calvin Hanks Safety                                  tactics to reduce risks to workers.
                Services say the consequences of failing                               ‘Data collected from noise monitoring
                to monitor noise can leave companies   James and Calvin say that companies   should serve as a compass to assess the
                open to litigation from civil claims made   should assess the risk ‘as you would do with   adequacy of control measures,’ they say.
                by employees as well as prosecution for   any work activity’.        ‘When these measures fall short, it is
                breach of legislation.              Shawcity product specialist managers   incumbent upon all involved to adhere
                 ‘Those of you that have been on any kind   Gabriela Gonçalves and Ben Crane   to the hierarchy of controls, prioritising
                of OSH course know that we have legal,   recommend that OSH professionals conduct   elimination and substitution before

                financial and moral reasons to monitor   routine noise monitoring, particularly after   resorting to PPE. However, PPE becomes

                health and safety,’ they explain.   procedure modifications, and maintain a   mandatory when noise exposure surpasses
                 ‘But if we drill down to the details, if   vigilant eye on noise levels and the working   the 85dB(A) threshold.’
                there’s poor control of noise, there are likely   environment each time new tools or   Neal Muggleton, chief operating

                further issues, which will result in a poor   machinery are introduced.  officer at hearing protection specialists
                                                    They add that both employers and OSH
                health and safety culture. This itself can
                                                                                     Minuendo, says it is important that
              ILLUSTRATION: ISTOCK   lead to a high rate of staff turnover as well as   professionals bear the responsibility of   companies find a way to accurately monitor

                                                                                     levels in the workplace, but he adds that
                                                   establishing a baseline health surveillance
                a range of other issues for the organisation

                                                   at the start of employment. In cases where
                                                                                     ‘noise is different for everybody’, even if
                and its staff .’
                                                                                                             IOSH MAGAZINE  61
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