Page 54 - IOSH JanFeb24_Full LR
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               The Working Safely programme consists
               of 80 actions, but before any of these could
               be tackled one of Nicola’s first jobs was to

               expand her team from four to 12.
                 The trust appointed a deputy head
               of health and safety who was very
               experienced at implementing behavioural
               culture change and was previously a senior
               OSH adviser in a COMAH (Control of
               Major Accident Hazards) top-tier site.
                 Then there are two health and safety
               managers, one for north and central
               Wales, the other covering south Wales.
               ‘They manage the OSH advisers, oversee

               and monitor staff incidents looking at

               the quality of the investigation and offer
               further support to the line manager   a new piece of equipment. They also have   making sure everyone has a comprehensive
               in undertaking that investigation and   oversight of RIDDOR reports and they   DSE assessment in place, because the hours
               jointly undertake the more complex   manage our case load of reported incidents   that they spend sitting at their desks can
               investigations,’ says Nicola.      and near misses,’ Nicola explains. ‘We   contribute to musculoskeletal issues. This
                 The OSH advisers are out engaging   have a positive culture of staff reporting   team member also educates those staff

               with local management teams, supporting   near misses and actual incidents, and it’s   and volunteers to understand how their
               managers with risk assessments and   key that we draw out the learning from   environment should look.
               operating procedures. ‘They are doing   this quickly.’                  ‘Manual handling is a top consideration
               inspections of the workplace and they are   The other member of the team is a   for us given the nature of the work we
               involved at the early stages of projects,   display screen equipment (DSE) and   undertake, particularly transporting patients

               whether that is fitting out a clinical contact   manual handling adviser who is heavily   or extracting them from difficult scenes, so

               centre, rebuilding a station or introducing   involved in the clinical contact centres,   our manual handling adviser has undertaken
                                                                                     work to promote bespoke training and
                                                                                     bespoke risk assessments,’ states Nicola. ‘This
                                                                                     is an example of trying to balance the reality
                                                                                     that our staff will often face: for example, the

                                                                                     need to get a patient to hospital for treatment
                                                                                     without delay, or to wait for additional help to
                        Tackling violence and aggression                             arrive for patient extraction – you can see the
                                                                                     need for real consideration, judgement and
                        with dedicated roles                                         safe systems of work to weigh up the risks.

                                                                                     Listening to our staff to find workable and

                        One of the new      violence and aggression   case manager will link   proportionate solutions is necessary for staff
                        professional roles   against staff is one of   in with that member of   safety and patient survival.’

                        that the Working    the unfortunate top   staff and offer support.   Any safety incidents are recorded on an

                        Safely programme    trends,’ Nicola says.   That could be anything   NHS Wales reporting system, with data
                        has required is a    ‘Working with the   from referring them to   transposed into a dashboard suite of metrics.
                        dedicated violence and   violence and aggression   occupational health,
                        aggression manager.  manager is a case   just being somebody
                          ‘This person’s job   manager, so when   to talk to, or even   Still in the early stages of the roll-out, Nicola
                        is about preventing   a member of staff    accompanying them to   and her team have spent much of the last few

                        incidents of violence   does experience an   court if the staff member   months establishing baselines.

                        and aggression to staff.   episode of violence   decides to take the case   ‘Two of the big things that we have done
                        As you can imagine,   and aggression, that   any further.’   in the early phase was to get a baseline for

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