Page 52 - IOSH JanFeb24_Full LR
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Saving the

                  LIFE SAVERS

                     We look at the Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust’s Working Safely
                              programme to find out how it’s protecting its life savers.

                                                           WORDS MATT LAMY

                          ith more than three million
                          people to look after, spread
                          over 8000 square miles of
               Whugely varied and, at times,

               very difficult terrain, the Welsh Ambulance
               Services NHS Trust (WAST) faces some of
               the most taxing challenges of any emergency
               service in the UK.

                 But potentially just as difficult are the
               challenges facing the OSH professionals who

               must look after the WAST staff and volunteers
               who respond to such emergencies.
                 ‘One thing that we have to be really careful
               of in our service is balancing the risk appetite,
               because we have staff who, for the most

               laudable of reasons, may put themselves at
               risk to help a patient in a timely manner.
               So balancing section 2 and section 3 of the
               Health and Safety at Work Act is a constant
               consideration for us,’ explains Nicola White,
               WAST head of health and safety.
                 To address such issues, Nicola and her
               team – along with input from trade union
               partners, operational staff and organisational

               leaders – put together a three- to fi ve-year
               improvement plan called the Working Safely
               programme. IOSH magazine spoke to Nicola
               to find out how the scheme works, and the

               effect it is having.


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