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                    Technological advances and workforce changes
                   are evolving personal protective equipment [PPE]

                                         WORDS DOUGLAS BROOM

                     WORDS DOUGLAS BROOM           employer at the time didn’t provide me
                              hen it comes to workplace

                              safety, PPE has long been   with suitably fitting PPE. I was 17 so didn’t

                              recognised as a minor but   feel confident at the time to push back,’
                   W critical element of the       she says. ‘My college ended up purchasing
                   picture. But as workplaces become more   boots, trousers and gloves for me that

                   diverse, the traditional one-size-fits-all   fitted properly.
                   approach is no longer tenable.    ‘I needed size six gloves when the

                     Many items are clearly designed to fit   smallest they had were size seven; I had to
                   the average male, resulting in a poor fit   turn trousers up and they were so baggy. I

                   for women and people whose body shape   was having to compromise my health and

                   differs from the male stereotype.  safety,’ adds Bethany, who was voted one
                     It’s an issue that frustrates Bethany   of the National Federation of Builders’

                   Holroyd CMIOSH, health and safety   Top 100 Most Influential Women in the
                   business partner for the local government   Construction Industry in 2023.

                   practice of global engineering firm WSP.   She says PPE that’s not designed to fit   ILLUSTRATION: ISTOCK

                   ‘When I started out as an apprentice, my   women is ‘a fundamental problem when

         38-41 Future of PPE (with half page ad)_Jan-Feb 2024_IOSH.indd   38                                       13/12/2023   09:14
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