Page 108 - NSPDK 80th Eastern Regional Conference Workbook 2020
P. 108


                                                National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc.
 •   Watch your thoughts, they become words.   “To Foster a Spirit of Sisterhood Among Teachers and To Promote the Highest Ideals of the Teaching Profession”
 •   Watch your words, they become actions.
 •   Watch your actions, they become habits.
 •  Watch your habits they become character,  Regional Committee Chair Report – 2019
 •  Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.  Name of Y.E.S. Program Committee ANTHROPOS Regional Chair  Soror Brenda Marable-
 •   We are grateful for modern science and will be faithful to ourselves and others.

                 Description of exemplary programs reported by chapters of the Region:
 Xi: THEME: Health Nutrition and Hypertension. My usual form of presenting health issues to my  The “Men In Our Lives”, play an active role as an affiliate of this great organization.
 chapter has always been to bring printed information for discussion.  One article discussed how our
 technical styles might be hurting our health.  Since we are in a computer generation, I wanted the  Soror  Marable-  Freeman  reports  that  she  sent  flowers  to  Soror  Valeria  Edwards  for  the  death  of
 sorors to be health conscious.  Another article was geared to the older women in our chapter.  Sorors  Anthropos Michael Edwards in November. She also sent a card to the Nelson family for the death of
 were told what to do to have a longer happier life. Another article discussed dangerous first aid   Anthropos Delmar Nelson in April. She reports communicating with Anthropos Chair Charles Watts
 mistakes we make.  There have been other articles, but the most recent discussed a three step process  about the Regional Conference before it was made a virtual conference.
 for relieving stress at the beginning of your day.  Sorors were also given a stress relieving calendar
 (a daily picture of one thing most women enjoy-shoes). The usual Breast Cancer and Stroke issues  Soror Marable- Freeman reports that she and her husband Anthropo Freeman held several meet and
 were addressed with articles and conversation.       greets in the month of January and February with Delta Lambda to recruit more Anthropos.
 Pi: THEME: “Go Red for Heart Health” Day.  Pi Chapter collaborated with the local chapter of the
 American Heart Association and participated in the “Go Red for Heart Health” campaign on  Recommendations: Suggest each chapter sponsor at least two events a year to recognize the men in
 Valentine’s Day, February 14th instead of the official date February 2, 2018 when schools were  their lives. This can help build our Anthropos Affiliate.
 closed. Sorors were fashionably dressed in red, wore red dress pins, distributed literature, and took
 group selfies to celebrate Heart Health. Pi Chapter continued its long-term commitment of making
 an annual donation to the local chapter of the American Heart Association (AHA) in support of their
 cause and to raise awareness of heart disease in the community.  Respectfully,
 Rho: THEME: Wilderness to Wellness – Cancer.  At Bancroft Elementary School, 700 Lombard
 Street, Wilmington, DE  19801, this workshop was held at our Teach-A-Rama event.  The
 workshop, by Dr. Nina Knight, was designed to support participants’ understanding of Cancer and   Brenda Marable-Freeman
 its impact upon its patients.  Participants gained an awareness of survival tactics to assist in times of  Brenda Marable-Freeman
 educational turbulence.  As a result of this workshop, attendees were able to make mindful decisions
 to promote optimal health during cancer treatments.  Also, at this event, a Zumba Gold for Seniors  Anthropos Chair
 was held; other groups joined in as well. This worthwhile class allowed people to work on cardio to
 improve their physical fitness. Afterwards, participants enjoyed a healthy lunch of a sandwich, fruit,
 beverage, and snack.

 Recommendations and Concern:
 I am happy to report that there was an increase in chapter participation in the Eastern Region.
 Chapters should continue to educate Sorors on matters of health and healthy living.
 Signature of Regional Chair   Danielle Drakeford

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