Page 104 - NSPDK 80th Eastern Regional Conference Workbook 2020
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                                                                  80TH ANNUAL EASTERN REGIONAL CONFERENCE

                                            National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc

                                     REGIONAL COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON REPORT

                                                         Sororal Year 2019

                  Y. E. S. Program Committee: LOCAL PROJECTS       Regional Chair:  Soror Patrcia E. Cook

                  Briefly describe and highlight exemplary programs reported by chapters of the region. Summarize
                  exemplary reports only and list the contributing chapters at the end of the report.

                  The Chapters focused on promoting educational excellence while providing service to their
                  communities via many local projects.

                  The EASTERN REGION  established a new initiative for all Chapters under the direction of the
                  Regional Director, Noreen Little,  which was called A TEACHERS  SURVIVAL KIT.  The kits were
                  to be distributed during the beginning of the school year.   The kits contained informational cards
                  about NSPDK, Inc's purpose, mission, National and Regional Officers, the location of our
                  headquarters and information on the Y. E. S. Program.  Also included in the kits were a tea bag,
                  paper clip, rubber bands, a tootsie roll, 2 pennies, a crayon, a life saver, Starburst candies, gum, an
                  inspirational message and information on the Local Chapter.

                  THETA CHAPTER  selected Weeksville Heritage Center which is a multidisciplinary museum
                  dedicated to preserving the history of the 19th century  African American Community of Weeksville,
                  Brooklyn, NY.   Weeksville is one of America's free Black communities. The mission of the Heritage
                  Center is to document, preserve, and interpret the history of free African American communities.

                  This year is the 26th year that PI CHAPTER continues to provide classes which are designed to
                  prepare perspective teachers for the PRAXIS exam.  Pi Chapter has established partnerships with
                  the Trenton Public  School District and the Educational Testing Service Corporation.  ETS made a
                  presentation in September to the participants about the Praxis and test  testing strategies.
                  Several chapters participated in the Walk against Breast Cancer and made monetary contributions
                  to the organization. Chapters also provided food, clothing, toiletries, socks, and toys to homeless

                  Many thanks to the following chapters who submitted reports: Theta, Beta Omicron, Delta Pi, Zeta,
                  Eta,  Pi, Epsilon Alpha, Rho, Alpha Zeta, Alpha Chi, Beta Lambda, Gamma Mu, Epsilon Sigma
                  and Delta Nu.

                  Recommendations:  It is recommended that each chapter select a local project for the Regional
                  Conference Workbook. These projects would be reported to the regional chair and all Eastern
                  Region chapters would be represented in the workbook.. This can be accomplished by decreasing
                  the space for suggestions, recommendations and concerns.   Selecting 3 projects may cause the
                  Eastern Region to miss out on additional initiatives.  Eta chapter reported on the Survival Kits for
                  Teachers and the region adopted and adapted this project to be implemented by all chapters.
                  Kudos goes to all chapters for the outstanding projects which are being implemented in the many
                  communities of the Eastern Region.

                                  My deep appreciation to the members of the Local Projects Committee.
                                             Suzanne Gibbs, Jarian Graham and Vanessa Jenkins
                  Patricia E. Cook
                  Patricia E. Cook
                  Local Projects Chair

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