Page 93 - NSPDK 80th Eastern Regional Conference Workbook 2020
P. 93


               their choice offered by grade level. They read books and participated in activities to increase their
               comprehension skills. Students went home with two books to add to their at-home library. Dinner
               was provided as well as door prizes.
               Beta Epsilon—Preparing High School Students for College Admittance was presented at
               Thurgood Marshall Academy. As a continuing chapter initiative, Sorors of Beta Epsilon Chapter
               help to support the college process of a selected group of seniors from Thurgood Marshall
               Academy.  Seniors are exposed to a myriad of workshops concerning should I go to college,
               choosing a college or university, filling out the FAFSA application, etc. The cumulating event is
               the joint attendance of sorors and students at the Malcolm Bernard HBCU College Fair in New
               York, where students can apply to attending colleges/universities for free. Sorors helped students
               to fill out applications and motivated them to not give up, especially when the lines are very long.
               Many students were offered multiple on the spot admissions as well as scholarships.

               Beta Omicron—Cultural Relevancy in the 21st Century was presented at the Ruby S. Couche Big
               Sister Educational Action and Service Center. The presentation was about how significant cultural
               relevance is to connecting with our students. The Committee referenced research and related
               author's work in the field to explain how to incorporate cultural relevancy into your classroom.
               Including ways of getting to know your students, listening to them and not being judgmental
               about their experiences.

               Gamma Mu—Theme: “Teaching Our Children How to Survive in the 21st Century.” Our Teach-
               A-Rama brought together various factions within the community, such as, the police, youth,
               parents, community and church leaders. The program theme was, “Teaching Our Children How to
               Survive in the 21st Century.” Based on problems affecting the relationship between the Black
               community and the police department, Gamma Mu invited Officer B. Flynn from the Oceanfront
               Community Oriented Police Squad as its guest speaker for Teach-A-Rama. He used a power point
               module entitled, Juvenile Perspectives: Changing Perceptions One Interaction at a Time.” He also
               used his knowledge as a community development organizer to connect at-risk youth to positive
               community resources, such as mentoring programs and gang prevention education. We had at
               least 80 youth, community leaders and members of the local church to participate in the program.
               Appearing on the program were numerous youth groups, such as Praise Dance groups of youth
               and adults, poetry readers, musicians and so much more. At the end of the presentation, sorors
               engaged youth in making ice cream. They had to use their math skills by measuring the
               ingredients and reading skills by reading the instructions that accompanied the recipes. The
               program was a huge success.
               Delta Nu—Delta Nu hosted Navigating Your Way Through the College Application Process with
               Bergen and Passaic Counties. High school students and their parents were given a day of
               information about applying for college, researching scholarships, and filling out the FAFSA.
               Sorors represented their undergraduate colleges and spoke about their college experience.
               Delta Pi—Delta Pi's Annual Teach-A-Rama was held at Mount Vernon Elementary School.
               Guest Speaker Ryan Haygood spoke on the topic “The School to Prison Pipeline.” Raffles were
               given to classroom teachers for school supplies. Continental Breakfast was served. Workshops
               were given to sorors, teachers, community and youth. Sorors from Delta Nu and Alpha attended
               our Teach-a-Rama.  The titles of workshops were as follows: How to Align New Math Program
               with Standards, The Writing Process, Knowledge Building in Literacy, Building Science Literacy
               and Critical Thinking with Discrepant Events, How to Use Microsoft Excel in the Classroom,
               Teen Dating Violence/Human Trafficking and Blood Pressure Screening.

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