Page 96 - NSPDK 80th Eastern Regional Conference Workbook 2020
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                                    National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc.

                                                   Sororal Year 2019

              Y.E.S. Program Committee: Civil Rights, Education, and Legislative Affairs

              Regional Chair: Soror Doretta Walker
              Briefly describe and highlight exemplary programs reported by chapters of the region.
              Summarize exemplary reports only and list the contributing chapters at the end of the report.

              Chapter Activity Report for Commission on Civil Rights, Education and Legislative Affairs

              The  Regional  Chapter  Activity  Reports  were  received  from  the  following  chapters:  Alpha, Beta
              Lambda,  Beta  Omicron,  Beta  Zeta,  Delta  Nu,  Epsilon  Alpha,  Pi,  and  Theta Chapters.
              Good things are happening!

              Alpha:  Chapter  reported  on  the  following  issues  involving  NJ  schools:  that  Senate  Bill  2, NJ’s
              latest  funding  bill,  would  see  increases  in  state  funding  for  some  school  districts  and others  will
              lose  funding  having  a  devastating  effect  on  the  education  of  students  in  Jersey City  &  that  a
              judge  ruled  that  a  major  lawsuit  against  the  state  of  NJ  over  racial  and  socio-economic segregation
              in the school system may move forward.

              Beta  Lambda:  reported  that  sorors  are  kept  informed  of  laws  and  rules  that  affect  voting and
              issues  affecting  civil  rights  to  include  gerrymandering  of  voting  districts  and  voter  ID.  Several
              sorors are precinct leaders in their community.
              Beta  Omicron:  reported  that  their  chapter  has  been  all  over  NYC  representing  NSPDK, Inc.’s
              Call  to  Action.  Activities  included  the  AKA  Sorority,  Inc.  Epsilon  Pi  Omega’s  Annual  HBCU/
              Financial  Literacy  College  Fair,  a  Fireside  Chat  with  Dr.  Christopher  Emdin  author of  the  book
              “For  White  People  Who  Teach  in  the  Hood  .  .  .  and  the  rest  of  y’all  too,”a Fireside  Chat  with
              the  Executive  Superintendent  of  Queens  South,  a  discussion  at  Fordham University  where  Soror
              Fowler  is  a  member  of  the  ESL/ENL  Grades  K-12  next  Generations  Standard  implementation
              Think  Tank,  a  Teacher  Polity  Team  with  the  Educators  4 Excellence  creating  a  policy
              paper  titled  “Ready  for  Day  One  and  Beyond”    This  policy consisted  of  recommendations  for
              the  legislature  that  addressed  teacher  preparation  programs  and  residencies,  equity  and  teacher
              diversity,  creating  quality  professional  development  and  the  sustainability  of  professional
              development.    Additionally,  they  reported  a  meeting  with Senator  John  Lui  of  School  District  27
              to discuss the Teacher Diversity portion of the policy paper.
              Beta  Zeta:  reported  attending  the  naming  of  US  District  Court  for  the  Middle  District  of NC
              located  in  Durham,  NC  the  “John  Henry  Wheeler  United  States  Courthouse.”    Mr. Wheeler
              was  a  prominent  bank  president  of  M&F  Bank,  a  civil  rights  lawyer,  political activist,  civil
              rights  leader,  educator,  statesman  and  philanthropist.  He  led  a  legal  challenge beginning  in  1949
              toward  school  equalization  in  Durham  and  other  cities  across  NC  to  include  filling  several
              school  desegregations  suits  including  the  US  Supreme  Court  case  of Frasier  v.  Board  of  Trustees
              of  the  University  of  North  Carolina  which  led  to  the  first  three  black  undergraduates  gaining
              admission to UNC-Chapel Hill.
              Delta  Nu:  reported  that  they  celebrated  Founders’  Day  by  having  dinner  at  a  restaurant  and a
              Social Medica Celebration on Facebook and Instagram.
              Epsilon  Alpha:  reported  newsletters  and  discussions  on  the  NJEA  (New  Jersey  Education
              Association)  and  the  NEA  (National  Education  Association)  events  and  achievements.

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