Page 95 - NSPDK 80th Eastern Regional Conference Workbook 2020
P. 95


                                      National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc.

                               REGIONAL COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON REPORT

                                                     Sororal Year 2019

           Y. E. S. Program Committee: PD/Leadership Training       Regional Chair: Soror Lavetta Ross

           Briefly describe and highlight exemplary programs reported by chapters of the region.
           Summarize exemplary reports only and list the contributing chapters at the end of the report.

           The chapters of the Eastern Region have focused on activities that could be grouped into three categories:
           Growth as a Member of the Sorority, Growth in Technology, and Growth as an Educator.

           Growth as a Member of the Sorority
           Chapters engaged in activities such as training new officers, reviewing the MPP, Ritual, Constitution and
           Bylaws, discussing leadership roles as described in the MPP for each level - local, regional, and national
           levels, preparing sorors for leadership positions, and reviewing of Robert's Rule of Order as reported by
           the following chapters: Eta, Theta, Phi, Alpha Pi, Alpha Chi, Beta Epsilon, Beta Lambda, Gamma
           Mu, Delta Nu, Delta Pi, and Epsilon Alpha.

           Growth in Technology

           Chapters engaged in activities that enhanced their knowledge in various areas that focused on technology.
           This includes professional development activities on using Zoom, Goggle Docs and Google Apps, Quick
           Books (for financial officers), and using various apps for personal, classroom and instructional use as
           reported by the following chapters: Eta and Rho.

           Growth as an Educator

           Chapters engaged in a variety of activities which included sorors, invited educators, community members,
           and other stakeholders. These activities include a focus on healthy minds and healthy bodies to help
           educators meet the challenges they may face in the classroom, techniques on mental health and classroom
           management, addressing the topic Trauma Informed Care for Today's Youth by utilizing the expertise of
           Dr. Erika Wood, member of Gamma Chapter to help children meet the challenges associated with trauma,
           sharing research based articles on local and national education tends, and providing briefings on the
           Trenton School District and the New Jersey Department of Education as reported by the following
           chapters:  Alpha, Gamma, Eta, and Pi.


           While the three areas of professional development listed above grew organically from the reporting
           chapters, it is suggested that chapters consider included professional development in all three areas listed
           above as this will help the sorority grow in three vital areas.

           An area of concern is not hearing from all chapters in the Eastern Region. Every voice is important.

           Lavetta Ross
           Lavetta Ross
           Leadership/Professional Development

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