Page 3 - Local Business Magazine (1) (1)
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I want to be 100% transparent with all of Aside from these extremely serious
you.....I have no idea what we are doing problems, it’s widely used in relation to
here. The idea of starting an online everyday pettiness, and a general “We're
magazine has been in the forefront of my not doing business” with those who
mind for the last three years after choose to refrain from joining local
arriving in Jefferson City in early 2016, organizations, or.... are seen as a part of
Immediately I was taken aback by the any group that simply doesn’t measure
beautiful hometown feel and warmth of up to the “brass ring of acceptance” . You
our great city, but also at the same time, know who we’re talking
confusingly disappointed in the widely about........“Outsiders”.
accepted “clicky” nature.
The truth is, our city is home to a wide
Small town, USA in any area is not array of political views, entertainment
immune to segregated communities, taste, and entrepreneurs. Our city is a
strong political ties, or business deals broad host of cultures, ethnic groups and
based on family last name, but the sexual orientations, that work, live and
general understanding and acceptance contribute on a daily basis to our
of these as normal throughout a economy, infrastructure and society.
community was really surprising to me.
“That’s Jeff City” has been a phrase that The beauty of any community is the
I've heard applied to issues ranging from depth of its residents....the sheer volume
support of our local college, to to the lack of different ideas, and tastes that make a
of entertainment options for our “place to live” a true hometown. We
community. need now.....and i would assume have for
some time, an alternative in terms of
It’s been applied to the handling of our publication and recognition, to highlight
recent influx in homelessness, as well as artists, politicians, businesses etc,
responses to crime and drug use among without the idea that your cause or
our youth and the underprivileged. purpose is only viable,.....if you can
financially afford to share your message.