Page 4 - Local Business Magazine (1) (1)
P. 4


                                                D A M I A N   B U N T I N G

   This magazine is and will                                   I want a place where every local artist
                                                               knows that they can promote their
   be a place for everyone.
                                                               content, and every business is able to
   Your story,.... your                                        spread the word about the products and

   struggle,....... your                                       services they offer. More than anything, i

   accomplishments...they                                      want to help create a place where effort
                                                               is rewarded, and public credit is given to
   are all welcome here.
                                                               those who have taken the risk to keep
                                                               the dream of american small business

    It is my wish that in                                      ownership alive.

   sharing differing opinions,

   hard topics and subjects                                   Admittedly, I am fumbling my way

   often saved for the dinner                                 through this, and i have no doubt that

   table, we can open up a                                    this will take time to figure out, and even
                                                              longer to streamline into something of a
   much needed dialog
                                                              business, but if you’re patient, I know

                                                              that we can create something from this
   towards understanding.
                                                              idea that will be of great service to the

                                                              people of Jefferson City. Respectfully,

                                                              Damian Bunting

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