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Refereed Journal Articles, Books and Chapters
Gillian Tober and Duncan Raistrick
Items marked
abstract and require a one-off payment unless your agency has free library searching – we can provide colleagues copies of papers privately. The icon indicates a book or book chapter – we do not have electronic versions of chapters.
Oluyase AO, Raistrick D, Hughes E & Lloyd C (2019) The appropriateness of psychotropic medicines: an interview study of service users attending a substance misuse service in England. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 41: 972-980
doi: 10.1007/s11096-019-00861-z
have open access to full text online. Other DOI or PubMed links may only provide an
Drage L, Masterson C, Tober G, Farragher T and Bewick B (2019) The Impact of Therapists’ Responses to Resistance to Change: A Sequential Analysis of Therapist Client Interactions in Motivational Interviewing. Alcohol and Alcoholism early online
doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agz003
Brown M, Masterson C, Latchford G & Tober G (2018) Therapist-Client Interactions in Motivational Interviewing: The Effect of Therapists' Utterances on Client Change Talk.
Alcohol and Alcoholism 53: 408-411
doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agy027 PubMed: 29659707
Gaume J, Heather N, Tober G & McCambridge J (2018) A mediation analysis of treatment processes in the UK Alcohol Treatment Trial. J ournal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 86: 321-329
doi: 10.1037/ccp0000287 PubMed: 29504781
Dale V, Heather N, Adamson S, Coulton S, Copello A, Godfrey C, Hodgson R, Orford J, Raistrick D, Tober G on behalf of the UKATT research Team (2017) Predicting drinking outcomes: evidence from the United Kingdom Alcohol Treatment Trial (UKATT). Addictive Behaviors 71: 61-67
doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2017.02.023 PubMed: 28273487
Raistrick D (2017) Commentary | Are UK opioid substitution treatment agencies fit for purpose? Addiction 112: 1340-1342
doi: 10.1111/add.13737 PubMed: 28155249
Oluyase AO, Raistrick D, Hughes E & Lloyd C (2017) Prescribers’ views and experiences of assessing the appropriateness of prescribed medication in a specialist addiction service. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 39: 1248-1255
doi: 10.1007/s11096-017-0541-4 PubMed: 29076012
Fitzgerald N, Angus K, Elders A, de Andrade M, Raistrick D, Heather H & McCambridge J (2016) Weak evidence on nalmefene creates dilemmas for clinicians and poses questions for regulators and researchers. Addiction, 111:1477-1487