Page 23 - nou Systems handbook Draft Rev13 (2021) (1)
P. 23


               6.1 Zero Tolerance for Violence in the Workplace
               nou Systems considers the safety of its employees, vendors, suppliers, Customers, and visitors to
               be extremely important. The Company will consider any threat of violence or potential violence
               as  legitimate  and  will  take  immediate  appropriate  action,  including  the  involvement  of  law
               enforcement and prosecution to the fullest extent of the law. The Company has “zero tolerance”
               for any employee who threatens, intimidates, or implies violence against any person or property
               associated with the Company. Employees are prohibited from bringing firearms or weapons into
               a nou Systems facility or a Customer’s facility.

               6.1.1 Reporting Violence/Threats
               It is everyone's business to prevent violence in the workplace. You can help by reporting what
               you see in the workplace that could indicate that a co-worker is in trouble. You are in a better
               position than management to know what is happening with those who work around you.
               Employees who hear about or become aware of any threats of violence should immediately
               inform their Supervisor, or an officer of the Company. You are encouraged to report any incident
               that may involve a violation of any of the Company’s policies that are designed to provide a safe
               and comfortable workplace environment. All reports will be investigated, and information will be
               kept as confidential as possible.

               6.2 Drug-Free Workplace – Awareness
               nou  Systems  has  a  longstanding  commitment  to  provide  a  safe  and  productive  work
               environment. Alcohol and drug abuse pose a threat to the health and safety of employees and to
               the security of our equipment and facilities and those of our Customers. For these reasons, nou
               Systems is committed to the elimination of drug and/or alcohol use and abuse in the workplace.

               This policy outlines the practice and procedure designed to correct instances of identified alcohol
               and/or drug use in the workplace. This policy applies to all employees and all applicants for
               employment  of  nou  Systems.  The  Human  Resource  Manager  is  responsible  for  policy

               nou  Systems  maintains  an  extensive  Drug-Free  Workplace  Policy  that  each  employee  is
               responsible for reading and acknowledging annually. For further information, contact the Human
               Resources Department.
               6.3 General Safety Guidelines

               It is the responsibility of all employees to follow all safety guidelines and to do their part in
               maintaining  a  safe  work  environment  for  themselves,  their  coworkers,  and  Customers.
               Employees are expected to conduct all tasks in a safe and efficient manner, comply with all local,
               State and Federal health and safety regulations, follow all program standards and address any
               safety concerns raised by Customers or nou Systems management.

               nSI Employee Handbook                         23                                Rev. 4 (2021))
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