Page 27 - nou Systems handbook Draft Rev13 (2021) (1)
P. 27

               It is the policy of nou Systems to comply with all laws governing domestic and foreign operations,
               and to conduct our affairs in keeping with the highest moral, legal, and ethical standards.

               nou  Systems  maintains  an  extensive  Code  of  Business  Ethics  and  Conduct  Policy  that  each
               employee is responsible for reading and acknowledging annually. The Policy includes guidance
               on  Conflicts  of  Interest,  Giving  and  Accepting  Gifts,  Anti-Bribery  and  Corruption,  Improperly
               Acquiring  Trade  Secrets  of  Competitors,  Contractually  Committing  the  Company,  Company
               Communication, Misrepresentation, Discipline, Confidentiality, and Other Prohibited Behavior.
               For further information, contact the Human Resources Department.

               7.1 Outside Employment
               Employees are permitted to engage in outside work or hold other jobs, subject to the restrictions
               outlined below and only if approved in writing by both their Supervisor and Human Resources
               before commencing outside employment or business activities.

               Employment and business activities outside of nou Systems employment must not compete with,
               conflict with, or compromise the Company interests or adversely affect job performance and the
               ability to fulfill all job responsibilities. Employees are prohibited from performing any services for
               Customers on nonworking time that are normally performed by nou Systems. This prohibition
               also extends to the unauthorized use of any Company tools or equipment and the unauthorized
               use or application of any confidential information. Please refer to the nou Systems Proprietary
               Information  and  Organizational  Conflict  of  Interest  (OCI)  Avoidance  Agreement  for  further

               Employees  are  not  to  solicit  or  conduct  any  outside  business  during  paid  working  time.
               Employees are cautioned to carefully consider the demands that additional work activity will
               create before accepting outside employment. Outside employment will not be considered an
               excuse  for  poor  job  performance,  absenteeism,  tardiness,  leaving  early,  refusal  to  travel,  or
               refusal  to  work  overtime  or  different  hours.  If  nou  Systems  determines  that  an  employee’s
               outside work interferes with performance, the employee may be asked to terminate the outside

               7.2 Employment of Relatives and Personal Relationships
               Nepotism  and  favoritism  may  jeopardize  nou  Systems  operations  and  success.  Therefore,
               employees are prohibited from supervising or reporting to their relatives or persons holding close
               personal  relationships  outside  of  their  employment  with  nou  Systems.  "Relatives"  include
               spouses, children, adopted children, domestic partners, parents, siblings, grandparents, uncles,
               aunts, cousins, nieces, nephews, step relatives, brother- and sisters-in-law, mother- and fathers-
               in-law, and relatives of domestic partners. "Close personal relationships" includes relationships
               with persons with whom you share a household, date, or have personally known for an extended
               period of time outside of your employment with nou Systems.

               nSI Employee Handbook                         27                                Rev. 4 (2021))
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