Page 32 - nou Systems handbook Draft Rev13 (2021) (1)
P. 32

unless they are escorted with the above noted exception for long term visitors under special
               circumstances with a VAR on file.

               Visitors  are  allowed  in  accordance  with  your  non-nou  Systems’  workplace  requirements  but
               should be kept to a reasonable limit (e.g., 5 minutes or less except during your break periods).
               Keep in mind that nou Systems has Non-Disclosure Agreements with Customers. No visitor entry
               is permitted in Secure Areas.

               7.10 Employment Offers

               When  you  joined  the  Company,  you  executed  an  Employment  Offer  letter  which  sets  forth
               certain basic terms of the employment relationship. The terms of your Employment Offer will be
               in addition to the policies, practices, and procedures of this Handbook. However, if there is a
               conflict between the terms of your Employment Offer and this Handbook, the terms of your
               Employment Offer will prevail. The policies, practices, procedures and any other information
               contained in the Handbook are intended to provide general guidance and information only

               8.0 COMPENSATION

               8.1 Performance and Salary Reviews
               Employee Performance Evaluations

               nou  Systems  is  committed  to  maintaining  a  team  of  experienced,  capable,  and  motivated
               individuals.  Therefore,  it  is  nou  Systems’  policy  to  formally  appraise  the  performance  of  all
               employees on a regular basis. The performance evaluation highlights the strengths and areas for
               improvement of individual employees so that adequate rewards or corrective action may be
               taken.  The  employee  performance  evaluation  is  the  primary  basis  for  determining  bonuses,
               promotions, demotions, and other staffing actions.

               The  Employee  Performance  Evaluation  Form  will  be  completed  by  each  employee  and  their
               Supervisor. If the employee has questions and concerns about the evaluation that cannot be
               resolved with the Supervisor, the next level of management should be consulted.

               8.2 Salary Adjustments
               It  is  nou  Systems’  policy  to  review  on  an  annual  basis  the  salaries  of  all  employees.  Salary
               adjustments may be prorated for less than one year of service. The adjustment will be prorated
               to account for the fact that the employee’s salary has not been adjusted for more than one year.

               8.3 Payment of Wages and Time Reporting

               Regular full and part-time employees of nou Systems receive their paychecks 12 times a year.
               The timecard cycle is from the first to the last of the month, split between two pay cycles. All
               employees that are hourly and are paid for all hours recorded and worked during each timecard

               All nSI employees are required to accurately record time worked in the Deltek Costpoint online
               timekeeping system. These timesheets are the legal record of time worked and are used for

               nSI Employee Handbook                         32                                Rev. 4 (2021))
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