Page 36 - nou Systems handbook Draft Rev13 (2021) (1)
P. 36

9.6 Holiday Pay

               Full-time employees are entitled to nine (9) paid holidays annually. Full-time employees who are
               regularly scheduled to work less than 40 hours per week will receive a prorated amount of holiday
               hours based on their normal work schedule.
               Should a holiday fall on a Saturday or Sunday, eligible employees will receive either the preceding
               Friday or the following Monday off, respectively. In the event a holiday falls within the annual
               leave period of an employee, the workday involved will be charged as a holiday.

               In the event a regular exempt employee is required to work during a holiday, they should record
               the holiday hours and the hours worked. Additionally, those hours may be flexed within that

               The 9 nou Systems Holidays are listed below:

                   •  New Year’s Day
                   •  MLK, Jr. Day
                   •  President’s Day
                   •  Memorial Day
                   •  Independence Day
                   •  Labor Day
                   •  Veterans Day
                   •  Thanksgiving Day
                   •  Christmas Day

               9.7 Maternity Leave
               In order to foster a family-friendly environment, nou Systems, Inc. provides maternity leave to
               allow employees time-off for the birth, bonding or placement of a child (biological or adoptive).
               nSI is firmly committed to protecting the rights of expectant mothers and complying with Title
               VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act as amended by the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978. See nSI's
               Maternity Policy Memo for more detailed information regarding Maternity Leave.

               9.8 Extended Leave of Absence Without Pay
               An employee may be granted an extended leave of absence on a case-by-case basis. The request
               for extended leave without pay should be submitted to the employee’s Supervisor. If approved
               by  the  Supervisor,  it  should  be  forwarded  to  the  Human  Resources  Manager.  The  Human
               Resources Manager will submit the request to the President, who has final approval authority on
               leaves of absence without pay.

               To initiate a request for an extended leave of absence without pay, an employee completes a
               Leave of Absence Form and submits this form to his/her Supervisor.

               An employee on extended leave of absence without pay will not accrue annual leave during this
               period and will not receive any Company contribution toward the expenses for regular benefits

               nSI Employee Handbook                         36                                Rev. 4 (2021))
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