Page 39 - nou Systems handbook Draft Rev13 (2021) (1)
P. 39
upon the expiration of the scheduled leave. If the disability leave is needed due to a work-related
injury, all matters relating to an employee’s leave rights, including compensation, benefits,
substitution of paid leave, notice and certification requirements, and reinstatement shall be
governed by state workers’ compensation laws. Employees having questions about such rights
should contact Human Resources. nou Systems will not be liable for payment of workers’
compensation benefits for any injury that arises out of an employee’s voluntary participation in
any off-duty recreational, social, or athletic activity that is not part of the employee’s work-
related duties.
9.10 Office Closures
At times, severe weather and emergencies such as power failures or fire can disrupt Company
operations. In extreme cases, these circumstances may require the closing of a work facility. Your
Supervisor will normally notify you of an official Company closing. Please watch the news for
reports of closing that might affect your work site.
Employees working off-site will follow the closing policy of the off-site work area. If the offsite
work area is closed and the nou Systems Corporate office is open, you may be offered the
opportunity to work at the nou Systems Corporate office, on a case-by-case basis. You may also
be permitted to work from home or another alternate work location, if possible. In the event of
an office closure and no alternative work location is available, you may be offered the option to
make up work time, at management discretion.
If your nou Systems worksite is closed, your choices are: For non-exempt employees:
1. Make up the time during the same work week.
2. Use Annual Leave.
3. Take Leave without Pay.
For exempt employees:
1. Make up the time during the same pay period using flex time or comp time.
2. Use Annual Leave.
3. Administrative Leave may be authorized by the President.
The process for use of Administrative Leave is as follows:
1. Hours absent will be charged to an Administrative Leave charge code and paid to the
2. Management will determine the time frame allowed for time to be made up dependent
on the number of hours closed.
3. If hours are not made up by the management designated pay period, annual leave will be
charged for the remaining Administrative Leave hours.
Please note that you need to communicate with your Supervisor and get prior approval for your
nSI Employee Handbook 39 Rev. 4 (2021))