Page 42 - nou Systems handbook Draft Rev13 (2021) (1)
P. 42

4.  With respect to the Company’s retirement plan, upon reemployment, employees who
                       have taken military leave will be credited for purposes of vesting with the time spent in
                       military service and will be treated as not having incurred a break in service. Immediately
                       upon reemployment, the employee may,  at the employee’s election, make any or all
                       employee contributions that the employee would have been eligible to make had the
                       employee's  employment  not  been  interrupted  by  military  service.  Such  contributions
                       must be made within a period that begins with the employee's reemployment and that is
                       not greater in duration than three times the length of the employee's military service.
                       Employees will receive all associated Company match for such contributions.

               9.13.4 Returning from Military Leave
               At the conclusion of the leave, upon the satisfaction of certain conditions, an employee generally
               has a right to return to the same position held prior to the leave or to a position with like seniority,
               status, and pay that the employee is qualified to perform. Every reasonable effort will be made
               to return eligible employees to their previous position or a comparable one. Such employees will
               be treated as though they were continuously employed for purposes of determining benefits
               based on length of service, such as the rate of PTO accrual, and job seniority rights.

               9.13.5 Exceptions to Reemployment
               In addition to the employee's failure to apply for reemployment in a timely manner, an employee
               is not entitled to reinstatement as described above if any of the following conditions exist:

                   •  The Company’s circumstances have so changed as to make reemployment impossible or
                   •  Reemployment would pose an undue hardship upon Company
                   •  The employee's employment prior to the military service was merely for a brief, non-
                       recurrent period and there was no reasonable expectation that the employment would
                       have continued indefinitely or for a significant period
                   •  The employee did not receive an honorable discharge from military service

               Under USERRA, employees are only entitled to protection during cumulative periods of military
               leave of up to 5 years, but there are many exceptions to this general limitation. For example,
               leave time for active duty by order of a Presidential declaration would normally NOT count as
               part of the 5-year period.

               9.14 FMLA Leave Overview

               nou Systems complies with the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and (as to
               employees  in  California),  the  California  Family  Rights  Act  (CFRA),  which  require
               employers to grant unpaid leaves of absence to qualified workers for certain medical and
               family-related reasons. The Company also abides by any state and local leave laws. The
               more generous of the laws will apply to the employee if the employee is eligible under
               both federal and state laws although where applicable, leaves of absence under federal
               and  state  law  will  run  concurrently.  Please  note  there  are  many  requirements,

               nSI Employee Handbook                         42                                Rev. 4 (2021))
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