Page 29 - nou Systems handbook Draft Rev13 (2021) (1)
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while on the job. Clothing and hair styles must be consistent with the standards for a business
               environment and must be appropriate to the type of work being performed.

               nou Systems recognizes that employees may have certain religious beliefs that prohibit certain
               attire. nou Systems will reasonably accommodate the wearing of such attire unless that attire
               creates an undue hardship, disruption, or safety issue in the workplace. Employees who wish to
               request a workplace attire accommodation should contact the Human Resource Manager.

               7.5 Use of Computer and Communication Technology

               nou Systems’ employees are expected to follow the Information Technology Policy (NSI-IT-POL-
               001-ITPolicy) with regard to connection of unauthorized Information System Components (e.g.,
               Peripherals, Bluetooth and wireless devices, Printers, etc.), IT Standards and Controls, and the
               Information Technology Acceptable Use agreement (NSI-IT-FRM-001-ITAcceptableUse).

               7.6 Employee Personnel Files
               Employee files are maintained by Human Resources and are considered confidential.
               You have a right to inspect and, upon written request, receive a copy of your employee
               records that nou Systems maintains relating to your performance or to any grievance
               concerning  you.  In  addition,  employees  have  the  right  to  request  copies  of  all
               employment-related documents that they have signed. Managers and supervisors may
               only have access to personnel file information on a need-to-know basis in accordance
               with applicable law. Personnel file access by current employees and former employees
               upon  request  will  be  permitted  within  the  timeframe  required  under  applicable  law.
               Personnel files are to be reviewed in the presence of a member of Human Resources.
               Employee files may not be taken outside the department except  that employee, upon
               written  request,  are  entitled  to  a  copy  of  their  personnel  files.   Representatives  of
               government or law enforcement agencies, in the course of their duties, may be allowed
               access to file information. Employees also have the right to inspect and receive copies of
               certain Company payroll records regarding their compensation, and deductions from their
               compensation, upon reasonable request to the Company. Employees wishing to review
               or receive copies of payroll records should notify Human Resources.

               7.7 Medical Confidentiality (HIPAA)

               In accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), a major goal
               of the Privacy Rule is to assure that an individual’s health information is properly protected. The
               Company  strives  to  protect  the  privacy  of  medical  information  regarding  employees  to  the
               greatest possible extent.
               "Medical information" is any information, data, or documentation relating to a person's mental
               or physical condition. The term includes, but is not limited to oral, written, or digital information
               concerning  an  employee's  mental  or  physical  condition;  medical  records;  dental  records;
               disability records; workers' compensation records; medical leave records; genetic information;
               health insurance information; and/or information concerning visits or payments to any health

               nSI Employee Handbook                         29                                Rev. 4 (2021))
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