Page 19 - XYZ Employee Handbook
P. 19

                     SUED IN A COURT OF LAW.                            EMPLOYMENT STATUS AND RECORDS

                     3.3 Personnel Data Changes

                     It is the responsibility of each employee to promptly notify XYZ Corporation of any changes

                     in personnel data. Personal mailing addresses, telephone numbers, number and names of
                     dependents,  individuals  to  be  contacted  in  the  event  of  emergency,  educational

                     accomplishments, and other such status reports should be accurate and current at all times.
                     If any personnel data has changed, notify the [HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OR

                     3.4 Probation Period

                     The probation period is intended to give new employees the opportunity to demonstrate

                     their ability to achieve a satisfactory level of performance and to determine whether the new
                     position meets their expectations. XYZ Corporation uses this period to evaluate employee
                     capabilities, work habits, and overall performance.

                     All new and rehired employees work on a probation basis for the first [INDICATE # OF
                     DAYS]  calendar  days  after  their  date  of  hire.  Any  significant  absence will  automatically

                     extend the probation period by the length of the absence. If XYZ Corporation determines
                     that the designated probation period does not allow sufficient time to thoroughly evaluate
                     the employee's performance, the probation period may be extended for a specified period.

                     During the probation period, both parties may assess suitability for employment with the

                     Employer.    This  also  provides  management  an  opportunity  to  assess  skill  levels  and
                     address areas of potential concern. During the first [INDICATE # OF DAYS] days of the
                     probationary  period,  employment  may  be  terminated  by  either  party  for  any  reason

                     whatsoever, with or without cause, and without notice or payment in lieu of notice.

                     Please take note that your manager’s role is to support you in developing and transferring
                     your  knowledge,  skills  and  abilities  to  be  successful  in  your  job.  We  suggest  you  take
                     advantage of this resource.

                     XYZ Corporation Employee Handbook                                                    19
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