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          Why These Fortune 500                                                                                                                     earning a spot on the Fortune 500 list
                                                                                                                                                    alongside them. When the US slipped
                                                                                                                                                    into a recession in 1958, AMC was
          Companies Failed                                                                                                                          the only automaker to report a sales
                                                                                                                                                    increase rather than slashed revenue.

          How could a company that once held a dominant                                                                                             However, fortune reversed for this imperiled
          spot on the Fortune 500 list fade into obscurity?                                                                                         company, which was plagued with internal
          Here’s what today’s business leaders can learn                                                                                            problems like poorly timed vehicle releases,
                                                                                                                                                    slow response to customer demand, and
          from their storied falls from grace.  BY ANDRE RIOS
                                                                                                                                                    irresponsible financial management.
                                                                                                                                                    Customers balked at AMC’s pitifully small
                                                                                                                                                    lineup of vehicles and largely preferred more
                  HILE FORTUNE’S FAMOUS LIST of 500 corporate                                                                                       cutting-edge models by the Big Three.
                  superpowers may seem like a knighting that all but                                                                                                                             connected people internationally. Anyone who
                  shields a business from failure, there are classic cases                                                                          In 1987, Chrysler swooped in to purchase     remembers MCI’s famous pin-drop commercial
          of this simply proving untrue. These three well-known, once-                                                                              an indebted, spiraling AMC. It’s rumored     and seemingly permanent billboard in Times
          admired companies are now propped up as examples of how                                                                                   that Chrysler made this decision solely to   Square might wonder what exactly happened
          not to operate.                                                                                                                           get its hands on the Jeep brand, which has   to such a global communications success.
                                                                                                                                                    consequently flourished since it was taken
               American Motors Corporation                                                                                                          under Chrysler’s wing. As Bob Sorokanich of the   In 1963 Microwave Communications Inc. opened
          Its name alone was so broad and all-encompassing that                                                                                     popular automotive blog Jalopnik writes, this   its doors to stand toe to toe with AT&T, one of the
          American Motors Corporation (AMC) seemed synonymous                                                                                       was “a move that helped the larger automaker   largest monopolies in US history. Competition
          with the nation’s role in automotive-engineering development.                                                                             survive its closest scrape with death and    fueled MCI to develop impressive long-distance
          Once the owner of sub-brands like Rambler, Nash, and Jeep—                                                                                made Jeep into the modern juggernaut it is   phone call technology, building the nation’s
          the latter being the only well-known brand today—AMC took                                                                                 today.” The term “modern juggernaut” certainly   second-largest fiber-optic network. By 1990,
          strides that have influenced the automotive market long                                                                                   could not apply to AMC, an abbreviation      MCI served a network of over 46,000 miles
          after its closure. AMC was the first to implement four-wheel                                                                              now associated with a TV network.            and offered a whopping fifty communications
          drivetrains in affordable family cars. It is also responsible for                                                                                                                      services, including voice and data.
          developing the Jeep Cherokee and Grand Cherokee, paving                                                                                        MCI
          way for the modern SUV, the most popular body style in many                                                                               In 2004, MCI Inc. ranked at number 168 on    However influential MCI may have been,
          parts of America today. Some of its vehicles, including the 1969                                                                          the Fortune Global 500 list, but this would be   though, it couldn’t outlast the game of
          Rambler American, are considered highly sought-after classics.                                                                            one of the last times MCI stood among titans.   competitive buyouts and mergers that has
                                                                                                                                                    At the time, it was one of the largest and most   historically plagued the communications
          Founded in 1954, AMC held its own against the “Big Three”                                                                                 diversified communications corporations in   industry. Amid suffering profits, rallying
          manufacturers—Ford, Chrysler, and General Motors—even                                                                                     the world, contending with AT&T as a giant that   consumer demand for more advanced

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