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S THE COFOUNDER experience and lack of accessible
AND CEO OF FUZZY, veterinary care, I began reimagining
Zubin Bhettay leads a the overall pet care journey to
revolutionary solution for pet health. improve access to quality care.
Fuzzy’s convenient digital service
drastically reduces prices for pet What were the early days of
owners while responding to surging Fuzzy like?
demand for affordable care.
Fuzzy started with a small group of
And the consumer response has people who were incredibly passionate
been nothing short of extraordinary. about solving a problem we all
Between April 2021 and April 2022, identified with in caring for our own
Fuzzy witnessed a 533 percent pets or working in the veterinary
increase in telehealth consults. Last industry. Pet care is broken, and once
year, Fuzzy acquired pet-supplement we got that in our heads, we heard and
company Dandy, expanded its in- saw it everywhere. So we hustled—we
app services, and initiated strategic went to dog parks every morning at
partnerships with various pet retailers. 7:00 a.m. to speak to as many pet
parents as possible. We experimented
Bhettay shares the moment that with growth tactics daily to acquire
opened his eyes to a gap in the pet customers and then obsessed over
health industry, his reasoning behind the quality of the product we were
the business decisions that have delivering. Everyone contributed
made Fuzzy successful, and the beyond their role or title at the
power of putting consumer needs at company to make solving this problem
the forefront of its business model. a reality. I always advise founders to
celebrate every one of the small wins in
What is Fuzzy? 24/7 live chat and telehealth for pet at home. By spending seven hours the early days; it’s easy to overlook the
parents, custom care plans, and in the waiting room and leaving Over the course of the company’s life span, power of those victories.
At Fuzzy, we’re on a mission to vet-curated products. with a $2,500 veterinary bill, I
make pet care more accessible, witnessed firsthand the financial and we’ve put pets and their caretakers–both pet What is the greatest challenge
affordable, and equitable by making Why was this company founded? geographical barriers to pet care. At parents and veterinarians–at the center of all you’ve faced as Fuzzy’s leader?
veterinarians and their thoughtful present, three out of four pets will
recommendations available I founded Fuzzy in 2016 after rushing not receive the care or medicine they our efforts to reimagine the care journey. Making the hard decision to pivot
anywhere, anytime. We are a one- my dog, Mo, to an emergency clinic need due to cost and overwhelmed from our original business model and
stop shop for pet wellness with only to learn the issue was treatable veterinary clinics. Fueled by my own let go of a number of very talented