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 IN ACTION                                                                                            ENTREPRENEUR

          Essential Terminology for                                                      day-to-day expenses
 Chief Executive Officer Steven Acree                                                    11/ Operating costs: The

 EXECUTIVE                                                                               businesses need to operate,
 SALES  SALES  President Luke Acree                                                      such as rent, payroll,
 10 |Why These Fortune 500   14 |Increase New Leads   Chief Marketing Officer Joshua Stike   Business Professionals  insurance, equipment,
 Companies Failed  with Website Views  Chief Operating Officer Michael Graziola          inventory, supplies,

 Learn about the fates of three   Every visitor to your website    MARKETING             maintenance, and repairs.
 companies that once held   is a potential lead, so get   Director of Marketing Dan Acree
 spots in the Fortune 500.  more eyes on your site—and   Director of Creative Services Kristin Sweeney  Knowing customary business jargon and using it in its proper   12/ Profit and loss
 keep them there.   Director of Content Jessica Fitzpatrick  context is essential for effective communication with other business   statement (P&L): The P&L
          professionals. BY BONNIE JOFFE                                                 measures a company’s
 EDITORIAL                                                                               financial performance
 Editorial Manager Alexa Bricker                                                         during a particular period
 Senior Editor Matthew Brady  1/ Black swan: Used   machinery, buildings,   new products and services   through a financial and
 Senior Layout Designer Elisa Giordano
 Content Writers Lauren Kim, Bonnie Joffe, Andre Rios   to describe a negative,   and land, as well as   to customers or markets.  cash flow statement
 Junior Content Writer Allison Gomes  unforeseen financial event   repair and maintenance   and balance sheet.   that can potentially cause   of existing assets to   8/ Economies of scale:
          damaging outcomes.        build and retain value.    When an item is purchased   13/ Return on investment
 LEADERSHIP  LEADERSHIP  SALES AND CLIENT SUCCESS              in large quantities,      (ROI): A performance-
 Vice President of Client Success Ethan Acree
 28 |The Keys to Crafting   32 |How to Master   Vice President of Operations Nicholas Bianco   2/ Bootstrapping: A   5/ Capitalization rate:   the price of the item   based rating that evaluates
 an Effective Job Description  Event Hosting  Vice President of Sales Michael Campanile  small-business financial   Generally expressed in   typically decreases.   the profitability of an
 Find out how to use job   Use this guide to plan a  approach that reinvests   percentages, it’s the rate   investment, calculating the
 descriptions to acquire new   business function that    profits or uses one’s own   of return a company   9/ Fixed costs: The costs   return compared to the cost
 talent for your business.  boosts your brand and    OPERATIONS
 expands your influence.  Vice President of IT Thomas Setliff   financial resources to   experiences through   a business incurs, such   of the initial investment.
 Director of Projects Kelsie Schmall   start or grow a company   generated income from   as rent or mortgage
 Director of Business Intelligence Daniel Gallaway   and avoid borrowing from   its real estate holdings.  payments, insurance, and   14/ Triple bottom line:
 Director of Manufacturing Shannon Mosser  a bank or an investor.  property taxes, that remain   Many businesses measure
 Vice President of Finance Shana Lebofsky
 Director of HR John Keogh          6/ Depreciation: A         the same regardless       their performance based on  3/ Business cycle:   nonmonetary expense   of production levels.   a sustainability framework
          Fluctuations in revenue   based on the reduction in                            as it relates to profit,
          that businesses experience   the value of assets over   10/ Key performance    people, and the planet.
 Business in Action is published by ReminderMedia.
 For more information about Business in Action, please    during periods of growth   time, such as machinery   indicator (KPI): A
 visit us at, email us at
 MARKETING  PRODUCTIVITY, or call us at 866-458-4226.    or contraction, varying in   and equipment.  quantifiable measurement   15/ Variable costs:
 All rights reserved.
 38 |The Value of   44 | Conducting a Midyear   both intensity and time.  of a company’s overall   Based on a company’s
 Value Propositions  Check-In on Your Business  4/ Capital expenditure:   7/ Diversification: As a   success and its long-term   productivity levels, costs
                                                                                         vary—more production
                                    risk-reduction strategy,
 Here’s how to effectively   Now’s the time to take stock of   NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT
 tell customers that you    your goals and make necessary   The purchase of additional   a company diversifies its   increases costs, and less
 have what they need.  changes to your business’s   This magazine is for information and entertainment    fixed assets, including   portfolio by introducing   production lowers costs. n
 plans and procedures.  purposes only; it is not an attempt to solicit business.
 The contents of Business in Action are for editorial purposes only.
 All photos and/or artwork in Business in Action are provided by
 Getty Images, and icons by Noun Project, unless noted.
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