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“No pain, no gain” may be an awesome motivational mantra in the
weight room. But in the board room? Not so much. To succeed in
business, you need to understand your customers’ pain points and
clearly explain how you’ll remedy them better than anyone else—
which is where your value proposition saves the day. With attention spans being
so minimal today, you must
Alaina Chiappone, a customers. You must make sure that the
PR specialist at Otter value is being communicated anywhere clearly communicate your
Public Relations in St. that somebody finds you. value to your customers
Petersburg, Florida,
discusses why a value What are the key elements of almost immediately or they
proposition is vital to a a value proposition?
business’s success. Typically, there are three things. First is are going to lose interest
the headline, a concise statement that and miss it.
Why is a value proposition important? says what the potential customer will gain
It’s essentially a promise to your customers from purchasing your product or service. -ALAINA CHIAPPONE
about the benefits your product or service will Then there’s the subheading: a couple of
deliver to them. It’s also an important tool to sentences that explain the who, what, where,
differentiate yourself from your competitors. why, and how—who will benefit, what they
With attention spans being so minimal today, will get from using your product or service, kept concise and very clear: this is
you must clearly communicate your value where they can get it, why they need it to what we offer, this is how we do it,
to your customers almost immediately or solve their problem or achieve whatever and this is who is going to benefit
they are going to lose interest and miss it. So goal they have, and how you’ll do it and do it from it. I wouldn't go over three
having a concisely written value proposition, better than the competition. Finally, a lot of lines at a time without breaking
placed where they’re going to see it, is vital times there will be a visual element to help it up with visual representation,
for converting a casual researcher into a illustrate your points. because that’s critical to keeping
customer. That's where the value proposition they’re thinking, you can better Can companies be too detailed people’s attention. A block of text
packs the biggest punch. It comes down to understanding them not communicate how you're going with their value proposition? can deter people and mask your
only from a demographic perspective but to solve their problems. That’s Definitely, especially when it’s value proposition. So keeping it
Where exactly should a also from a psychographic perspective. why clearly stating your value is something that the founder has such clean and on your home page is
customer see it? What are they trying to accomplish? so essential to the core of your excitement about. They want to tell most important, and making sure
The more often they see it, the better. It What is getting in their way, and what do communication strategy. If you’re not you everything, so you have to rein that your value proposition is near
should definitely be on your website. But they expect of a product or service that constantly referring back to those them in a little bit. While additional your call to action and that both
it's also important to repurpose it into other is addressing the problem? Getting into ideals of your value proposition, information is helpful, it usually are near your Subscribe or Sign Up
content, especially social media, to drive the mind of the consumer is so important you’re wasting an opportunity to clutters the value proposition space. button gives them the right amount
your message about what you’re offering because once you understand how relay that message to your audience. The value proposition should be of information to take the deep dive.