Page 10 - Green Mountain Research Handbook Final 8-9-21
P. 10

Green Mountain Research Employee Handbook

               opportunity to make the necessary adjustments in our operation. This notice should be in the
               form of a written note, e-mail or letter.

               You will be paid for accrued but unused vacation time as part of your last paycheck.

               Resigning staff must contact the Payroll Specialist to schedule Out-Processing.  Employees will
               meet with the Chief Financial Officer, Payroll Specialist and Facility Security Officer to arrange
               for transfer of business information, debrief regarding employee benefits and to turn in
               Company issued equipment, keys and other items assigned to the employee.

               Payment for accrued but unused time off will be included in the final paycheck which will be
               paid within 14 days or by the next scheduled pay day, whichever is later.

               Be aware that if you do not return a piece of property, we will withhold from your final
               paycheck the cost of replacing that piece of property. If you return a piece of property in
               disrepair, we will withhold from your final paycheck the cost of repair (unless the damage or

               loss is not attributable to your willful disregard of the Company’s interest). We also reserve the
               right to take any other lawful action necessary to recover our property. Should an applicable
               state impose a restriction or prohibition against garnishing your final pay, we will comply with
               state law. Deductions from pay will comply with the minimum pay requirements of the Fair
               Labor Standards Act.

               Reference Calls

               Any calls regarding employment referral, verification of employment, credit or reference check,
               etc., must be directed to Human Resources.

               Conflict of Interest
               A conflict of interest exists when an employee’s loyalties become divided between GMR’s

               interests and those of another or their own. Employees are expected to devote their best
               efforts and attention to the performance of their jobs. Employees are also expected to use
               good judgement, to adhere to high ethical standards, and to avoid situations that create an
               actual or potential conflict between the employee’s personal interests and the interests of the
               Company. Employees must refrain from taking part in, or exerting influence over, any
               transactions in which their own interests may conflict with the best interests of the Company.
               GMR reserves the right to determine when an employee’s activities represent a conflict with
               the Company’s interests and to take whatever action is necessary to resolve a conflict of

               interest, including discharge of an employee.

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               Revision Date: 08/01/2021
               Origination Date: 08/01/2021
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