Page 2 - NewfoundLakeLife December 2020
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Page 2 Newfound Lake Life December 2020
Bristol Historical Society
SANTA'S VILLAGE Greenwood said that while
continued from page 1 the committee is keeping things The Bristol Historical Society
mas’ and this is going to be simple and safe this year, she is a nonprofit organization
different but we are going to hopes residents will join in with dedicated to the preservation
make the most of it,” said San- lights and decorations along of materials from Bristol’s past.
ta’s Village committee member N. Main St. and other parts of The Society museum is located
Barbara Greenwood. town to provide an even more in the former Fire House on the
corner of High Street and South
The Tapply-Thompson festive experience for all. Main Street. This building is
Community Center will be TTCC’s Executive Director owned by the Town of Bristol
closed for the event this year Leslie Dion said there had been and the Society leases the upper
and they are taking the celebra- plans in the works to make this level. The museum is open
tion outdoors. 75th anniversary year special, during the warmer months or
Families will be invited to but due to the virus they felt it by appointment. Due to covid
cruise along N. Main St. in best to put them aside for now. restrictions there have been no
Bristol until they come to the All is not lost though. public meetings or programs
utility shed, located just before “We’re looking forward to this year. We are hopeful that
the back entrance to Newfound having a ‘75-Plus’ celebration programming can resume
Memorial Middle School. in the future,” said Dion. in 2021.
In our collection are a
There they will see Santa wish- The 2020 Santa’s Village few Christmas greeting
ing them a Merry Christmas drive-through will take place cards from Homer
as one of his elves hands out on Dec. 11-12, from 4:30 p.m. Hutchinson. Homer was
this year’s commemorative or- until 7:30 p.m. both nights. a local business man. He
naments. Elves will also collect Other plans for holi- evidently had personal
letters to Santa that night and day-themed fun in the days greeting cards printed
drop them in his special mail- leading up to Santa’s visit are each year using his own
box. As families drive along the underway and everyone is asked poems. I found this one
street they will be asked to re- to watch the Bristol Commu- to be especially appealing
main in their vehicles and keep nity Events Facebook page for and wanted to share it
moving slowly so traffic does more information as it becomes with you. His sentiment
not back up into the Pleasant available. still rings true in our little
St. intersection. town. Merry Christmas.