Page 7 - NewfoundLakeLife December 2020
P. 7

December 2020                                                Newfound Lake Life                                                          Page 7

        SKIP'S GUN SHOP              archery scene, customers                                          vironment.            says it’s going to be hard for him
        continued from page 1        could find whatever they                                            It’s hard to come  to step away from all of it. But
        hunting gear, archery gear, and   were looking for in the                                      across a successful fam-  not only did Skip get to turn his
        more. If someone was looking for   family-run shop. Skip runs                                  ily-owned business, but  passion into a business, but he
        a new or used firearm, they could   his shop alongside his fam-                                Skip’s Sport Shop would  also got to work alongside his
        find it at Skip’s shop. Skip’s solid   ily, really playing into that                           fall under that category.  family while doing so. “That’s
        reputation for quality products,   “family-motivated” detail                                   But Skip’s doesn’t just  what it is. A family store,” says
        responsible prices, and knowl-  that draws in so many                                          have success with their  John Williamson, Sue’s husband.
        edgeable staff have people driv-  wonderful customers.                                         quality merchandise;  At the end of the day, Skip gets
        ing from different parts of New   “My favorite thing                                           they also have success  to sit down for dinner with his
        Hampshire just to get what they   about working in the shop                                    with the people. Too  family, the very people he worked
        need. With such serious merchan-  is the relationships we’ve                                   many businesses are  with that whole day. How many
        dise, it’s vital to have helpful and   built,” says Sue. “We have                              only concerned with the  people can say they can do that?
        educated employees about what   generations of  people                                         profits,  but  not  Skip’s.  That close bond with family is, at
        they are selling. Once custom-  coming through the shop,                                       Skip’s is the type of es-  the very most, the heart of Skip’s
        ers walk into Skip’s, the friendly   and that’s what’s going to                                tablishment that puts its  Sport Shop. It’s no wonder that
        employees make it a point to   be the hardest part—not                                         customers  first.  It’s  the  Skip has had dedicated followers
        address them, instantly putting   seeing everyone’s faces   of residents who are looking for   type of place that feels  for sixty-two years. When a fam-
        their nerves at ease. The fami-  every day,” Williamson states.   a friendly place to go about their   like going to see a friend instead  ily-owned business goes out of
        ly-oriented staff takes the time to   The family keeps such close ties   gun and recreational needs. “The   of  making a purchase. When  their way to make each and every
        make sure their customers leave   with their customers that they’re   families we’ve met have such a   people can walk into a business  customer feel like they’re part of
        100% satisfied and confident   not even seen as customers at all,   strong devotion to the store that   without it feeling like an actual  that family, a warm feeling takes
        with their purchase.  That is the   more like part of the family. With   it’s overwhelming and makes it   business, well, that place is doing  over. The town of Bristol will
        type of business worth coming   the family having three genera-  even harder to say goodbye,”   something right.     miss everything that Skip’s Sport
        back to. With New Hampshire   tions of members working in the   Sue tells me. Skip’s shop is the   It’s an absolute dream to be  Shop was, but they will always
        being a  massive hunting  and   shop, they capture the attention   type of place where patrons can   able to turn your hobby into  have the memories of a place
                                                                   come in and have an easy-going   a genuine business. All of this  that felt like home.
                                                                   conversation with the employees,   started with Rielly’s passion for
                                                                   making it the perfect friendly en-  gunsmithing, and Williamson



                        Tree Sale
                                                                                 CONTRACTORS  WELCOME!                                      AUTHORIZED
               Annual Christmas
   Christmas                                                                                                                               SERVICE CENTER

                                Tree Sale
                 Across from Bristol Fire Station beginning
     Tree Sale                                                                 3LAKES
                                                                                LANDSCAPE SUPPLY
                        11/25 till they are gone…                               LANDSCAPE          SUPPL    Y
               Tree Sale at  $

                                          Tree Sale
                  Across from Bristol Fire Station beginning             The Plymouth area’s best choice for landscape
                          Any Tree - $35
                        Across from Bristol Fire Station beginning
  AT          $           11/25 till they are gone...                     and hardscape products, outdoor equipment

                          Any Tree - $35
                                11/25 till they are gone…
                Beautiful fresh NH grown trees & proceeds beneGit local     and tools, dock supplies and materials,
                  Beautiful fresh NH grown trees & proceeds
                                       Any Tree - $35
 Across from Bristol Fire Station beginning                                         and small engine repair.
                      benefit local projects/non-profits!  $

                       Beautiful fresh NH grown trees & proceeds beneGit local
     11/25 till they are gone…       Tree Sale
          Bristol Rotary Thanks      projects/non-proGits!                                                                 3 Lakes Landscape Supply
                                      for a great location for our trees!
                           Bristol Rotary Thanks  $

                       for a great location for our trees!                                                                 10 Hamilton Way
                              Across from Bristol Fire Station beginning
                                 Across from Bristol Fire Station beginning
      Any Tree - $35                 11/25 till they are gone…         (603) 412-2006                                      Tenney Mtn Hwy
                 Bristol Rotary Thanks         for a great location for our trees!
                            Sponsored by
                                      Any Tree - $35                   Winter Hours: Mon-Fr 7 a.m.-4 p.m.                  Plymouth, NH

                                          11/25 till they are gone…
                                Beautiful fresh NH grown trees & proceeds beneGit local
 Beautiful fresh NH grown trees & proceeds beneGit local                                                         
                                    Sponsored by
                             Bristol Rotary Thanks    for a great location for our trees!

                                       Sponsored by
                                             Any Tree - $35
 Bristol Rotary Thanks    for a great location for our trees!
                             Beautiful fresh NH grown trees & proceeds beneGit local
          Sponsored by

                   Bristol Rotary Thanks                          for a great location for our trees!
                                                 Sponsored by
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