Page 9 - NewfoundLakeLife December 2020
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December 2020 Newfound Lake Life Page 9
Bridgewater Turkey Trot Donations
By Donna rhoDes In the past the store has col- She and her volunteers had
BRIDGEWATER – Like lected nonperishable food items considered donating the money
many other activities in 2020, the for designated families and se- to the state food bank but found
34th annual Bridgewater Turkey niors, hosted a giving tree hung that they were quite well stocked.
Trot, which raises money to help with Christmas wishes from local Clothing donations are not being
local families in need each year, children and even invited the accepted at this time in most
had to be cancelled but fund- kids to the store for cookies and places and Tapply-Thompson
raising is still underway as Holly a chat with Santa a few days be- Community Center had already
Kerouac and her crew at New- fore Christmas. For the first time, organized a coat drive through
found Country Store continue those activities have been called “Operation Warm.” So, the team
their commitment to help others. off and all monetary donations decided to help a local organiza-
“We did a virtual Turkey Trot they receive will be presented to tion that has been struggling to
this year where people could a local nonprofit organization. survive during the pandemic;
drop off donations then walk the “A lot of groups around here which nonprofit endeavor that
course on their own,” Kerouac have suffered through this virus will be is to be determined by the Artwork by Cosmic Moose
said. and had to cancel all their fund- community.
People have been generous in raising activities, so we thought it “Who would you want us to nonprofit in need of support, at Newfound Country Store on
their giving and as the donations would be nice to help one or two donate to? There’s a lot of local visit Bridgewater Turkey Trot on Mayhew Turnpike in Bridgewa-
continue to come, she said that of them this year instead,” said groups being overlooked this year Facebook to post your recom- ter. Those who would like to do-
besides the virtual Thanksgiving Kerouac. “We haven’t given up who are in need of financial as- mendation. Donations of either nate but cannot do so in person
Day “trot” there are a few other on the community. We just had sistance in order to keep going,” cash or a check with the nota- are asked to contact the store at
changes this year. to change how we’re doing things Kerouac said. tion “Turkey Trot” in the lower 744-8616 to make arrangements
this year.” To make a suggestion for a left corner can be dropped off for pick-up.
Bristol Community Services
Bristol Community Ser- that donations are in-season,
vices thrift shop is open clean, in new to gently-used
M-W-F from 9-2 and Sat from condition. BCS food pantry
9-12 we are able to accept 2-3 is open M-W-F from 9-1:30;
boxes or bags of donations at we are always able to accept
a time during these hours. food pantry donations. Follow
Please help us by ensuring us on Facebook!
Photo Left: The new groomer recently purchased, a 2019 Prinoth Husky. Photos Right: Construction of the
2.1 mile trail bypass that was just completed. The Bridgewater Mountain Snowmobile Club has been in the
planning stages of this trail reroute for several years. It became a success as a result of these landowners
(we like to refer to them as "land heroes"!): Dolben, Torsey, and Seager families. Additionally, The Bureau of
Trails, Barnard Surveying, Ryan Willey Logging, and our very own BMSC volunteers teamed up together to
complete the job this fall.
Interior Snow
Painting Removal
Fall Lawn
Cleanups Maintenance
Property Maintenance
All Phases of Property Maintenance Located in Hebron (603) 744-7846