Page 6 - NewfoundLakeLife December 2020
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Page 6                                                       Newfound Lake Life                                                December 2020

                                 Supporting Local Businesses in 2020

        By Donna rhoDes                                                                                                      rant on S. Main St. opens in early
                                                                                                                             afternoon to provide meals well
           BRISTOL – If  ever there
        was a year to support local busi-                                                                                    into the evening hours.
                                                                                                                                Another popular  spot  is
        nesses, 2020 seems to be it, so                                                                                      Shackett’s Brewery on Cen-
        while shoppers head out to find
        gifts for family and loved ones,                                                                                     tral    Square, which has locally
                                                                                                                             brewed ales and food for their
        business owners wish to remind                                                                                       patrons as well.
        shoppers that downtown Bristol
                                                                                                                                Across  from  the  Post  Office
        is the ideal spot to select quality                                                                                  on Lake St., you will find Kilter
        gifts for their family and friends.
           A trip around the square                                                                                          Fitness  to  help  with  your  New
                                                                                                                             Year's resolutions, PVF Builders
        might begin with Imagine, a                                                                                          for your dream kitchen or home,
        store that carries women’s cloth-
        ing made in the U.S., Canada                                                                                             Newfound Impressions for
                                                                                                                                       custom calendars,
        and by certified trade companies.
        From socks to jewelry, casual out-                                                                                               holiday cards, and
                                                                                                                                           stickers, Shear
        fits and lots of fine accessories, it                                                                                               Definition for
        is a shop that will please all the   Photo Courtesy of Gene Bank
        women on any shopping list.     Just beyond is Fran’s Ceramics   as well as birthday parties.  honey.                               the holiday
                                                                     Around the bend in Central
                                                                                                  Beside her
                                                                                                                                            primp or gift
           Just down the street is Twin
                                                                                                                                            certificate and
        Designs, offering unique art,   where people can either purchase  Square, the APU Mountain  shop at street                          Renaissance
                                                                                                level, Norton’s
                                     gifts or create some of their own.  Spirit Medicinal shop special-
        books and Newfound nostalgic   The shop not only offers finished  izes in Native American items.  Antiques offers                  Florals  to  add
        pieces available, along with a
                                                                                                                                          that festive flare
        wide selection of pottery, quality   ceramic home decorations for  Beautiful clothing, healing herbal  rooms  filled  with       to your home. All
                                     sale but also invites individuals  remedies and more can be found  a variety of antique
        children’s stuffed animals, games
        and other gift items. This year   or groups to stop in to make gift  inside, while Riverview Artisan’s   and  vintage  items for   with off street parking
                                                                   Gallery beside them has top-
                                     items of their own. From orna-
                                                                                                both homes and collectors, while  and offering gift certificates for
        they also have beautiful hand-  mental ceramic Christmas trees  notch art, handcrafted jewelry,  their Pleasant St. neighbors,  your special someone.
        made gift items available from
        Smile Makers as well as delicious   to home décor, there is some-  wood work, pottery and much  Re-Imagine, offers refinished   Heading out of town toward
                                                                                                furniture and other home décor  the lake people will find Cardi-
                                     thing to please all in their vast  more from New Hampshire ar-
        fudge from Bristol’s own Mill
        Fudge Factory.               inventory. Classes are available  tisans. New to Central Square is   items. DJ’s Crafts also has a wide  gan Mountain Store, a nostalgic
                                     for both large and small groups  Relaxation Station offering mas-  selection of  local home made  place  where  shoppers  will  find
                                                                   sage, facials, nails, and waxing.  crafts, jewelry and even Ameri-  artwork, handcrafted items, jew-
          Gemstone & Glass Beads • Sterling & Gold-filled Findings   But that’s not all; there are  can Girl-sized clothing, among  elry, and even a seat to relax and
            Mineral Specimens • Books • Tumbled Stones • Fossils   even more places to shop for the  many other great gift-giving  have a bite to eat amidst their
            Smudging Wands • Incense • Stone & Sterling Jewelry    perfect gift on Pleasant Street.  items.                  rustic country atmosphere. And
                       Crystals • Open Year Round
                 North Star Gems                                   the  second  floor  at  5  Pleasant  while they shop don’t have to  Cottage either; annually voted
                                                                                                  Those who want a bite to eat  no one should forget Kathleen’s
                                                                     Homestead Creations is on
                                                                   St. where they sell handcrafted  venture far in downtown Bris-  the #1 Irish restaurant and pub
                                                                   items, Color Street Nails, Avon  tol either. LinCross Roast Beef,  in New Hampshire.
                                                                   products, and Paparazzi Jewelry  Subs and More has a delicious   Further down the road, Au-
                                                                   for adults and children. She also  menu  filled  with  their  famous  buchon Hardware also pro-
         Tues-Sat: 10-5, Sunday: 10-4                              has a selection of men’s jewelry  roast beef subs, soups and other  vides plenty of gift ideas for the
         Rt. 3-A, Bridgewater                     603-744-6338            along with maple syrup and N.H.  lunch or dinner items. On Cen-  homeowner, gardener, and bird
                                                                                                tral Square, The Purple Pit is  watcher in your life.
                                                                                                renowned for their coffee, pas-  While these are only just a few
                                    Introducing                                                 tries and other great foods while  of the places people can shop lo-
                                                                                                Pizza Bene, located right beside  cally this Christmas, they are all
                             SUZANNE STAGNER                                                    them, has even more great food  great examples of gift ideas peo-
                             to the Great Reflections staff          Fran’s Ceramics            selections to offer throughout the  ple can purchase to support our
                                 for massage therapy.                                           afternoon and evening hours.  small  business community. Stop
                                                                                                Bristol Diner, Gina’s Place, and  in, browse, and support them as
                                She has worked as a massage therapist for over ten    & Gifts   Gilley’s Restaurant on Lake  they are here to serve our local
                            years and loves her profession. She has a passion for    12 Central Square, Bristol, NH   Street offer breakfast and lunch  community.
           $10 OFF          health and wellness, and nothing brings her more    (603) 707-9815  while Cielito’s Mexican Restau-
                            satisfaction than helping others improve their health
            YOUR FIRST                                                    Fran Bates, owner
          MASSAGE WITH      and feel better. She cares about her clients and adapts
             SUZANNE        the massage to your needs.
             on a 60 or 90        Her specialty is a therapeutic massage to address                Fancy Yourself a Writer?
            minute massage!  problem areas, using a combination of deep tissue    • Holiday Gifts
             Regular price $80
            only $70 with coupon.  pressure, while also allowing you to feel like you’ve     •  Stocking    Have a Story to Tell?
                             had a relaxing massage. If you’re looking to unwind,   Stuffers
                                 relax and feel more pampered, you might try   • Ornaments            We would love to hear from you!
                                   her gentle Swedish massage.
                                                                     •  Gift
                                    459 Lake Street, Bristol          Certificates                                  Email us at
                                    603-744-9100                     • Classes            
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