Page 4 - NewfoundLakeLife December 2020
P. 4

Page 4                                                       Newfound Lake Life                                                December 2020

           Running Out of Dinner Ideas While Staying at Home?

                                     THE INGREDIENTS                                                                              when it has cooled down.
                                     •   5 lbs. whole chicken (or your                                                            Make sure the poultry can
                                        favorite poultry)                                                                         be fully submerged; you
                                     •   1-quart cold water divided                                                               can  use  a plate  to  weigh
                                                                                                                                  down the poultry.
                                     •   ¼ cup kosher salt                                                                   5.  Allow to brine overnight or up
                                     •   2 tablespoons honey,                                                                  to 18 hours.
                                        maple syrup, or sugar                                                                6.  Remove from brine and give
                                     •   2 small bay leaves                                                                    the poultry a light rinse to re-
                                     •   5 cloves of garlic,                                       THE RECIPE                  move particles from the ingre-
                                        smashed                                                    1.  Take 1 cup from the quart   dients.
                                     •   2 teaspoons whole                                           of cold water and combine  7.  Bake at 350 degrees Fahren-
           Juan Olivares, Executive Chef  black peppercorns                                          with everything else.     heit for 30 minutes or until
                                     •   1 large fresh rose-                                       2.  Place mixture in a pot and   fully cooked. Rotate halfway
           Try cooking our Bird in a    mary sprigs                                                  bring to a boil, allow the   through cooking process for
        Nest, a favorite amongst our din-                                                            salt and sweetener to dis-  even browning.
        ers at Panorama Six82! A juicy   •   2 tablespoons fresh                                     solve fully.               Sometimes we all need a little
        and delicious dish that will defi-  thyme                                                                            bit of comfort food and Bird in a
        nitely put a smile on everyone  •   2 tablespoons fresh                                    3.  Remove from heat and   Nest is just that. We hope this rec-
        who is eating it.               parsley                                                      combine in a large con-  ipe brings a little bit of the Nest
           Serve this with a side rice pilaf                                                         tainer with the remaining   to you! Don’t forget, on Fridays
        or mashed potato and your favor-  •   1 lemon, zested and                                    cold water.             and Saturdays we are now offer-
        ite vegetable. You’re sure to have   juiced                                                4.  Give a good stir and add   ing curbside pickup and take-out.
        everyone asking for seconds!                                                                 the poultry to the brine   Stay tuned for more recipes!

               Published Monthly
          Mailed FREE to the Communities
           of Bristol, Alexandria, Hebron
                and Bridgewater
             Circulation: 5,000 copies
                 20 Lake Street
               Bristol, NH 03222

               Dawna Shackley
                  lakelife@                                                                                                      Bristol United Church of
                                                                                              Christ continues to meet via
            Graphics/Production                                                                                                Zoom as well as with limited
                 lakelifeads@                                                                                                  in-person seating according
                                                                                              to current state and federal
                 Advertising                                                                                                   Covid protocols. For informa-
                603-217-0050                                                                                                   tion, call the church office at
                 lakelifesales@                                                                                                744-8132.
                                                                                                A Public Christmas Eve
             Editor/Coordinator                                                                                                Candlelight Service will be
               Carolyn Phinney                                                                                                 held outdoors at the church at
            Contributing Writers                                                                                               7 PM on Thursday, December
                Brittany Amalfi                                                                                                24. Masks and social distanc-
                Donna Rhodes                                                                                                   ing  are  required  and  please
            Newfound Lake Life assumes                                                                                         dress for the weather condi-
           no financial liability for errors or                                                                                tions. The service will include
           omissions in printed advertising                                                                                    the Christmas gospels, pass-
          and reserves the right to reject/edit                                                                                ing the light of Christ while
          advertising or editorial submissions.                                                                                singing Silent Night, and a
                                                                                                                               Christmas prayer and bless-
                 © Copyright 2020
               Newfound Lakel Life                                                                                             ing. A free will offering will be


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