Page 8 - NewfoundLakeLife December 2020
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Page 8 Newfound Lake Life December 2020
Helping The Homeless Bake a Holiday Cookie Buffet
The Friends of the Mi- the Summer Read-
not-Sleeper Library tradition- ing Program, Hal-
ally hold a Holiday Cookie loween treats and HOLIDA Y
Buffet fundraiser, where the hosting events for Cookie Buffet
community can enjoy choosing adults.
and purchasing delicious treats The cook- Cookie Buffet
to take home. books are $20.00 Cookie Buffet
This year is different with and your pur-
COVID-19. Instead of having chase will allow
the cookies available for pur- us to continue
chase, we have compiled the our programs.
Have you ever wanted to help help the homeless in the Laconia many cookie recipes in a new They are avail-
the homeless but not sure how? or Tilton area. If anyone knows cookbook, Holiday Cookie able at the Mi-
Once per month, Cathy Dragon- of an encampment in Belknap Buffet. As you flip through the no t - S l e e p e r
fly & Jessika Tucker gather neces- county please reach out to let us pages, you will find mouth wa- Library, Car-
sary items from the Lakes Region know. Or if you would like to tering color photos and recipes digan Mt.
and distribute them directly to start a similar program in your of different kinds of cookies. Country Store,
homeless encampments. area we can help you get started. So bake a buffet at home for the Crazy Cat
We are not affiliated with any Items of the greatest need are holidays or give it as a gift to the Winery, Imag-
particular non-profit, we are sleeping bags, tents, backpacks, Presented by
Presented by
just doing this from our hearts warm socks, boots, hoodies, hats, Friends of the Minot-Sleeper Library
Friends of the Minot-Sleeper Library
because we’ve both had expe- gloves, hand-warmers, blankets, Bristol, New Hampshire
Bristol, New Hampshire
riences with family members coats, individually wrapped
living on the streets home free snacks and sanitary items like
and transient. We’re always sur- wipes. With unemployment
prised how helpful people are and evictions at dangerous levels,
when asked so in this season of shelters at maximum capacity
holiday preparedness, covid and or closed because of the raging
winter fast approaching we will virus it’s more important than
go down once again December ever.
1st and are requesting donations If you think you have any of
you may no longer need yourself. these items and would like to bakers on your list! ine, Renaissance Florals, Riv- Buy a book, preheat the
In preparation, the last week drop them off in Wolfeboro, Os- You will not only be enjoy- erview Artisans, Styles by Julie oven and have fun! Thank you
of each month, we gather items sipee or wish to arrange pick-up ing all kinds of recipes, you will and Twin Designs. for your support!
from the eastern shores of Lake please reach out to us at Dragon- be supporting the work of the They are also available on- The Friends of the Minot-
WInnipesaukee and then drive or on Friends of the Minot-Sleeper line at Sleeper Library is a 501-c(3).
to Gilford & Meredith to meet Facebook at Catherine S. Drag- Library. Some of the things They may be picked up curb- Design and printing by New-
people with more donations. onfly or Jessika Tucker. the Friends do are story times, side at the library or shipped for found Impressions.
Another goal we’d like to do is books for newborns in the area, an additional $5.00.
The Bridgewater Inn would like
to invite you to Order On-Line...
Custom Color Pro Painting it is very user friendly!
Odd Jobs and Home Repair
(c) 603-520-2921
or Call the Bridgewater Inn at 603-744-3518 to
Stephen Hollenbeck place an order. You also, may request Curb Side.
Interior & Exterior Painting For those who still would like to dine in, all our
tables are socially distanced, indoors and outdoors.
Plan now for your spring projects Outdoor dining is available as long as guest wish to
dine out on the roofed deck, with flamed heaters.
• Landscape Construction Holidays are approaching!
• Patios and Driveways
• Hardscapes GIFT CARD PROMO: with EVERY $50 PURCHASE,
• Walkways and Steps RECEIVE an EXTRA $5 GIFT CARD.
• Landscape Design 367 Mayhew Turnpike, Bridgewater
Call for a free estimate Golden Leaf (603) 744-3518
603-630-1419 Landscapes