Page 12 - NewfoundLakeLife December 2020
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Page 12                                                      Newfound Lake Life                                                December 2020


                                                                                                playing the accordion, and shar-
                                                                                                ing her traditions with those she
                                                                                                  One of  the greatest joys in
                                                                                                Dottie’s life was her family.  She
                                                                                                loved them and every moment
                                                                                                spent with them.  Special times
                   NLRA Protects                                                                were enjoyed at home in Bris-
                                                                                                tol, at their summer home in
          Newfound Year-Round                                                                   Newfoundland, supporting her  ter of  H. Barney Adams and
                                                                                                children, grand children and  Eunice (Swain) Adams Carlson.
                                                                   O’HARA, DOROTHY M            extended family at school, work  She attended local schools and
            With the support of  the  •  Water quality and lake level   BRISTOL - Dorothy “Dot-
         Newfound community, the      information                  tie” M. O’Hara, 77 died Friday,   or play.  Her family always came  graduated in 1955 from Bristol
         Newfound Lake Region As-    • Local trails and things to do  November 6, 2020 at her home   first.  She will be dearly missed  High School.  In her younger
         sociation has met this year’s  • And more!                after a brief  illness.    Born  in   by her husband of 57 years, An-  days, she enjoyed hiking Cardi-
         unprecedented challenges       If  you have questions or   Norwood, MA, she was one of   drew O’Hara, Sr of Bristol; son  gan and camping. Bev was an ac-
         with flexibility and resilience,  concerns about conservation in   four  daughters  of   Stanley  and   and daughter-in-law, Andrew  tive member of the Alexandria
         maintaining our current pro-  Newfound or would like to get   Anne (Olsavitch) Wiencek.  She   and Ceena O’Hara Jr. of Bristol;  United Methodist Church and in
         grams and even building new  involved you can email info@  graduated from Dedham High   daughter and son-in-law Patricia  the Newfound Area.
         initiatives to fit current circum-  or call   School in 1960 and later at-  and Scott Albert of Bristol; and   Beverly loved the area and
         stances.   NLRA works hard  603-744-8689.  The Newfound   tended school for business study   daughter Kathleen O’Hara of  was so knowledgeable in its his-
         year-round to protect the New-  Lake Region Association's mis-  which would come in handy in   Goffstown.  Dottie was blessed  tory and ongoing stories.  For
         found watershed and is always  sion is to protect Newfound   future years.  In 1963 Dorothy   by the frequent love and pres-  many years she was the librarian
         available as a resource for the  Lake and its watershed.  The   married Andrew O’Hara and to-  ence of her grandchildren Tiela  at the Haynes Library in Alex-
         community.  Visit our website  Association - through educa-  gether they owned and operated   and husband Justin Merwin, Al-  andria and was the Alexandria
         to find:                    tion, programs and collabora-  O’Hara Plumbing and Heating   yssa Albert, Kyle Albert, Calvin  Correspondent for the Bristol
         • Community events          tion - promotes conservation   in Bristol, NH.             Meattey, Hayden Meattey and  Enterprise.  Her concern for

         •  How we can help with storm-  and preservation of  the re-  The family had summered   great-grandson, Jack Merwin.  her family and neighbors was
           water management and ero-  gion's natural, social, and eco-  on Newfound Lake in Bristol for   Dottie is survived by her sister  exhibited by her assistance in es-
           sion on your property     nomic resources.              years until 1974 when they made   and brother-in-law Jeannette and  tablishing and volunteering with
                                                                                                Kenneth Kuske of Wellesley, MA  Newfound Area Nursing Associ-
                                                                   Bristol their permanent home.       and sister Stephanie Wiencek of  ation.  She was a member of the
                                                                   While assisting with the business,   Bristol.  She was predeceased by  Alexandria Volunteer  Fire  De-
                      Looking for                                  Dottie was given a lifetime mem-    sister, Irene Nesteruk, whose spe-  partment Auxiliary and with her
                                                                   bership in the Women’s PHCC.
                                                                                                cial life ended too soon.  Dottie’s  husband Ken gave thousands of
                                                                   She also spent many summers   love of family extended to her  hours and miles to Bristol Com-
                                                                   managing the snack shack at   numerous nieces, nephews, and  munity Services, assisting with
                                                                   Wellington State Park.       their families and to generations  transportation for those in need
                                                                     For many years, the family   of close friends.          to be taken to doctor’s appoint-
             copies FREE at these locations:                       hosted exchange students from   A Mass of  Christian Burial  ments.  Many will remember her
                                                                   other countries and were fortu-  was celebrated by Fr. Leo LeB-  for her gift of music which she
                                                                   nate later to travel to see many   lanc, Thursday, November 12,  shared at church, community
                                                                   of them in their home countries.     at 9am at Our Lady of Grace  events,  weddings,  funerals  and
                                                                     After her children were    of Holy Trinity Parish.  Burial  with  shut ins.   Her infectious
                                                                   grown, she worked as an LNA at   followed at Homeland Cemetery.  laugh and the twinkle in her eye

                                                                   the NH Veterans Home in Til-   ______________________     would brighten any room she en-
            BRIDGEWATER               DANBURY                      ton.  Dottie was a genuine care                           tered.  Bev was a true caregiver
            Newfound Grocery          Danbury Country Store        giver.  She lovingly took interest  PATTEN, BEVERLY M     to her friends, neighbors and
                                                                   in each of the residents lives and   ALEXANDRIA - Beverly M.   community and will be missed
            BRISTOL                   HEBRON                       was loved by all.  She was de-  Patten, 82, died Sunday Novem-
            Bristol Town Hall         Hebron Town Hall             voted to her faith and an active  ber 1, 2020 at the Golden View   by many.
                                                                                                                                She leaves behind her hus-
            Bristol Laundry           Hebron Village Store         communicant of  Holy Trinity  Health Care Center following a   band Kenneth Patten of Alexan-
            Cumberland Farms                                       Parish in Bristol.  Dottie loved  period of declining health.  She   dria; a daughter Lorraine Steele
            Experience Newfound       HILL                         her polish food, bird watching,  was born in Laconia, the daugh-  of Gorham; sister Brenda Sharp,
               (seasonal)             Hill Public Library                                                                    nieces, nephews and their fami-
            Newfound Impressions      NEW HAMPTON                                                                            lies.
            Park & Go                 Mobil Gas Station                                                Cynthia M. Rogers        A graveside service was held
                                                                                                          Licensed Funeral Director
            Shacketts (seasonal)      Irving Gas Station                                                                     November 6th at 2:30pm at
            Rite Aid                  Gordon Nash Library                                                                    the Riverside Cemetery, Fowler
            Hannaford                                                                                                        River Rd,  Alexandria.  In lieu of
            Wizard of Wash            PLYMOUTH                                                                               flowers, donations may be made
                                      Tenney Mt. Store                                                                       to Newfound Area Nursing As-
                                                                                  ~ A Tradition of Caring Service ~
                 20 Lake St, Bristol, NH 03222                                        (603) 744-3358                         sociation (NANA), 214 Lake St.,
                                                                                                                             Bristol, NH 03222.
                           603.217.0050                        •
                                                                                 115 South Main Street, Bristol, NH 03222

                                                          ~  A  Tradition  of Caring  Service ~

                                                                          CYNTHIA M. ROGERS

                                                                                 Licensed Funeral Director


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                                                           115 South Main Street, Bristol, New Hampshire 03222
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