Page 14 - NewfoundLakeLife December 2020
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Page 14 Newfound Lake Life December 2020
Powerful You - The Magic of Joy
By Carolyn J. Phinney its just 2020. all living a new normal where
intuitive life CoaCh 2020 has brought with it sor- masks cover up smile. They do
As the snow starts to fly and row, pain, sickness, isolation, not cover up twinkles in one’s
twinkle lights start to popup debt, divide, and full outrage. eye. It is time to take the twin- dance is Light. Darkness is sick- this holiday season! See how you
among the landscape of moun- For the love of all that is holy, kle lights of this season and bring ness. Light overcomes darkness. can control your own mind and
tains, one can start to feel the literally, couldn’t it have given them into our lives, now more I know, I get it. You’re say- bring joy back into your life, by
giddy excitement of another us our “normal” Christmas? It than ever. But how? Start by ing, but what if I don’t have any seeing what is already there. If
holiday season upon us! Parties seems not. But should we allow using that incredible imagination money for presents this year? you have children, when they
full of good cheer, Secret Santa COVID and the restrictions it you have been gifted with! It’s all How can I be happy? I have bills are sad about not being able to
gifts, cookies to be made, visits has put upon us to take away our about tapping into that inner joy to pay and nothing to pay them sit with Santa, have them write
to relatives, caroling, gatherings joy? Should we give our power, that we all have, owning it and with. Yes, that is a hard one to him a letter telling him all the
at churches to honor one’s faith, or dare I be so bold to say our feeling its power. get joy out of. For a moment, things they have now they are
Christmas tree lightings and right, to feel peace, happiness, Joy overcomes fear. – what do stop and list what DO you have. thankful for or are appreciative
balls being dropped to celebrate love for oneself and one’s neigh- you have in your life that brings Do you have creditors that are of, and how they look forward to
the incoming of a new year! bor over to a beast we cannot you Joy? Is it a child, a grand- working with you? Do you have catching up with him next year.
Ahhhh, can’t you feel it? Snow- even see? Yes, the “normal” child, a pet, a home, a tree, a a roof over your head? Do you The more joy you see in your
balls and sleigh bells, children holiday season is not upon us. favorite pair of shoes? What have a sharp mind? Do you have world; the more joy you find in
sitting on Santa’s lap, hugs to But you and I have the ability to brings you Joy? Every time you a friend? Do you have working your world; the more joy you find
neighbors and friends…nothing still take control over our expe- feel there is none in your life, or organs in your body that are in your world, the more joy you
like this holiday season to bring rience during this time and feel even in your moment, that is a lie. working to keep you alive with- want to give to this world. Shine
everyone together, even if its for the peace, happiness and joy the You have Joy, it is in you. You just out you putting any thought into bright this holiday season! Share
a month. But wait, what is that holidays are meant to be about. aren’t focused on it. Turn your it? What do you have? List it. your joy with Life with everyone
in the sky? That microscopic, Shoot, not just the holidays, focus. Start listing what brings Feel appreciation for whatever it you encounter this holiday sea-
giant red ball with little fuzzy every day! With that in mind, you joy. Listing all the things that is you do have. Feel the joy that son! Make your smile reach your
antennas? It’s headed right for we need a new plan. We need brings you joy brings the feeling appreciation brings you and see eyes and be the twinkle and the
us…. Boom! COVID. Parties a new survival kit for the 2020 to you. It’s as magical as Santa the light in the darkness. It is a light that is needed in the world
of 6, lockdowns, not enough holiday season. The large par- Claus himself! Go ahead try it! scientific fact that a person has this holiday season and all the
money for gifts, no hugging rel- ties or shopping trips to the malls You will be smiling very shortly! inspirational ideas during mo- days seasons to follow!
atives, (for some, not even seeing and standing in line to see Santa You can do this with any feeling ments of peace and joy. Solu- Carolyn J. Phinney is an certified
them), Santa is behind glass, and may not be this year but does not you desire to feel! Joy, peace, tions do not show up when you Intuitive Life Coach/Reiki Master/
a wave may be all you get from mean that a microscopic red ball love, appreciation, abundance. are riddled in fear and anxiety. Law of Attraction Master Coach/
your neighbor as they grab their full of fury can take away your Appreciation removes sorrow. Shift your mindset and see what Yoga Instructor and can be reached at
hoarded toilet paper from the car. Spirit? Not unless you allow it to Fear and sorrow are lack. Joy and great ideas flow in to help you!
Sounds like a horror movie…no, and you don’t have to! We are Peace are Abundance. Abun- Do this exercise with anything
– Local Legends –
REACH EVERY Linda Kriss Retires
HEBRON - The Union Con-
HOME & BUSINESS gregational Church of Hebron
would like to take this moment
to celebrate Linda Kriss and
CALL 603-217-0050 OR EMAIL congratulate her on her retire-
ment as our beloved Church Sec- retary. Linda joined our church
community shortly after moving
to Hebron and has been a staple
of organization, communication
$ 15 FaLaLaLa and support to our Minister’s for
the last 8 years. She can always
MERRY MONEY be heard saying, “My job is to missed in the office but we look
make your job easier. You are
TOWARDS Ahhhh here to minister to the congre- forward to seeing her during fu-
SERVICES gation. I am here to support you ture services. When asked what
and make your job easier.” Linda she is going to do with her free
has done that for, not only, our time, Linda laughed and said,
church but for our community, “I’m looking forward to some
as a whole. She has always been traveling with Phil (Linda’s hus-
quick to express her thoughts band), visiting with my brother
and doing art classes in the Plym-
Massa ge • F a cials • Nails • W axing and prayers to parishioners. To outh area.” Thank you, Linda, as
newer parishioners, she always
-GRAND OPENING- 20 Central Square, Bristol, NH 03222 made time to welcome them and a congregation, we have all been
blessed to have you these past 8
get them acquainted with every-
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5th 9-3PM 603-744-6466 one, making them feel like they years as our secretary. We wish
you fun and adventure on your
EXTENDED HOURS ON SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6th 9-1 were instantly part of our church retirement.
community. Linda will be surely