Page 15 - NewfoundLakeLife December 2020
P. 15

December 2020                                                Newfound Lake Life                                                        Page 15

                                                                                                                                         Real Estate

                                       Home Buying During COVID-19

        By Brittany amalfi           willing to enter the hectic fray
           Homeowners know that the   and shop for a home during
        process of buying a home can be   the COVID-19 outbreak may
        both exciting and nervewrack-  benefit  from  knowing  what  to
        ing. However, with the outbreak   expect as they search for their
        of the novel coronavirus, home   next home.
        buying anxiety has reached new   Get ready for virtual tours.
        heights.                     “We had to get creative about
           When the pandemic started,   how we would show properties
        real estate took a huge hit. Allan   differently,”  says  Allan  DeSte-
        Destefano from Granite State   fano. Buyers might once have
        Reality said, “When all of  this   scoffed at the notion of buying a
        started, no one knew how to   home they’d only seen in videos,
        handle it. Our company alone   but virtual tours have become
        lost over eight million in transac-  the new normal in the wake of
        tions from our investors pulling   the pandemic. Destefano tells
        the plug on deals.” People most   me he’s seen clients put an offer
        likely thought that this would be   on a property after just one vir-
        over in a matter of weeks, but as   tual walkthrough. As the market
        time went on and the situation   continues to speed up, people
        worsened, they realized they   realize that they need to put in  they need in a home and focus  market slowing down as long  COVID-19 outbreak presents
        couldn’t put a hold on buying   an offer right away if they want  on  finding  properties  that  can  as the interest rates remain low,  some unique challenges to pro-
        property forever.            a chance to buy a home. An  fulfill those needs. “A big chal-  which gives buyers more oppor-  spective buyers. In order to suc-
           Historically low interest rates   April survey from the National  lenge  we  face  is  that  we  don’t  tunities to buy a home.”   ceed in buying a home, buyers
        and limited inventory has made   Association of Realtors® found  have enough properties to sell.   Make the best down pay-  need to come prepared. In these
        2020 an incredibly unique time   that home tours had declined  People want to sell their homes,  ment  you  can  afford.  A  high  unpredictable times, it is benefi-
        to buy a home. Not only that,   sharply. While 98 percent of re-  but they have nowhere to go,”  down payment makes buyers  cial to make a plan and stick to
        but It’s also a competitive and   altors reported taking clients on  Destefano states.   look better no matter the state  it. Understand your options and
        potentially expensive time to buy   home tours as recently as Feb-  Expect to move quickly. Real-  of  the economy. An offer with  work with a trusted professional
        a  home.  While  the  economic   ruary, that number had dropped  tors have seen homes sell within  a high down payment looks like  who will help you get that prop-
        consequences of  COVID-19    to 63 percent by April. As many  days of  being listed, which has  a  stronger  offer,  and  that  can  erty you’ve been vying for. We’re
        have been severe, the Federal   regions pause their reopening  put pressure on buyers to move  make the difference between  living in dark and unforeseeable
        National Mortgage Association,   plans, prospective home buyers  quickly. It also highlights the  winning and losing a potential  times; let’s do our best to main-
        also known as Fannie Mae, fore-  should ready themselves for vir-  importance of  finding a home  bidding war.       tain a safe and smooth home
        casted a significant increase in   tual tours instead of  in-person  inspector before your search   Buying a home during the  buying process.
        median home prices in March   home tours.                  begins as well as a lender who
        2020. City dwellers have scram-  Expect limited inventory.  can handle quick closings. Ask
        bled to buy homes outside of   While home prices are up, many  around for recommendations,
        cities, where social distancing is   people are holding onto their  but  make  sure  you have  these
        more complicated, and the risk   homes. The NAR reports that  two critical professionals lined
        of  getting COVID-19 appears   the total housing inventory at  up before starting your search.   Since 1979...
        greater than it is in suburban   the end of May 2020 was down  Doing so will give you a better   507 Lake Street
        or rural settings. The competi-  nearly 19 percent from the end  chance of buying during an un-  Bristol, NH 03222
        tion among prospective buyers   of  May 2019. Buyers will have  usual time. A silver lining with   603-744-8526
        is booming due to all this chaos.  less inventory to choose from,  all of this is that the market isn’t   www.OldMill
           Prospective home buyers   so those who intend on buying  likely to slow down. Destefano   Lorna Platts, Owner/Broker  “Rt. 3A, across from the bike path bridge”.
                                     may need to prioritize what  tells me that he “doesn’t see the





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