Page 11 - NewfoundLakeLife December 2020
P. 11

December 2020                                                Newfound Lake Life                                                        Page 11


         From Diploma to Dirt Track, Nick Comeau Finds Success

        By Donna rhoDes                                                                         school graduation as soon as it   “He bested me by 10 points
           HEBRON  –  Eighteen-year-                                                            was over this past June and hur-  for the win and I came in sec-
        old Nick Comeau of  Hebron                                                              ried to the track to prepare for  ond,” Comeau said.
        grew up with racing in his fam-                                                         another round of competition in   There are no hard feelings
        ily’s blood, watching three gen-                                                        Rumney that night.           though and he said he has a lot
        erations of his family take to the                                                        “Every race counts when you  of people to be grateful for this
        track to compete on ice, dirt and                                                       are going for the top trophy,” he  year. Among those are Hobart
        asphalt at race tracks around                                                           said.                        Graphics of Hebron and Frankie
        New England.  This  year  he                                                              At Legion Speedway though,  Hobart who allowed him to use
        proved  himself  worthy  of  that                                                       his top competition on the Satur-  his car while also providing Co-
        legacy of racing when he placed                                                         day night dirt track though was  meau with a garage to work on it.
        second in the Wingless Sprint                                                           his uncle, Doug McPhail.        “I owe Frankie a lot for all his
        Car division at Legion Speedway                                                           Even though there is some  support,” he said.
        in Rumney.                                                                              bumping and banging for posi-   He also wished to thank his
           Over the years grandfather                                                           tion at times the two promised  other sponsors and  supporters,
        Harold Hannaford and dad                                                                to race clean. McPhail told his  which included DJ’s Crafts in
        Jamie  Comeau  toted young                                                              nephew he was just another  Bristol and West Shore Marine.
        Nicholas to the tracks where he                                                         driver on the track but he would   Trophies were handed out in
        watched  they and other rela-                                                           not run into him deliberately.  a season-ending celebratory din-
        tives compete in Modified Stock,                                                          Racing  wheel  to  wheel, the  ner on Oct. 24th and Comeau
        Super  Modified  cars  and  even                                                        two each set out to be the best  was proud to accept one for his
        Sprint cars on asphalt, ice and                                                         they could be on Rumney’s dirt  second place finish.
        dirt tracks.                                                                            track and in the end, it was Uncle   “It felt pretty good to get that
           Even as a child he looked for-                                                       Doug who topped the points, but  trophy because I had to work
        ward to the day when he, too,                                                           not by much.                 hard for it,” he said.
        could head out behind the wheel
        of a racecar.
           “I’ve been going to the races
        since I was a little kid. Both of
        my great-grandfathers began   18-year-old Nick Comeau of Hebron proudly displayed his second place
        racing in the 1950s and over the   trophy, a tribute to his determination and hard work to succeed on the
                                     track this year at Legion Speedway in Rumney.
        years the family brought that love
        for racing to me,” said Comeau.
           At the age of 15, he finally saw
        his dreams come true. Before he
        even had a New Hampshire driv-
        er’s license, Comeau was able to
        join the family on the dirt track at
        Rumney’s Legion Speedway, aka
        “Rumtown,” to begin his own
        racing career.
           “2017 was the first time I was
        actually out driving on the track
        in a Mini-Stock 4-cylinder street
        car,” Comeau said. “In 2018 my
        dad was racing a Wingless Sprint
        Car when a guy offered me one
        that I   drove in seven races. I
        drove another five races in a   2020 Newfound Regional High School graduate Nick Comeau of
        Mini-Stock car and here we are   Hebron drove his #03 Wingless Sprint Car to a second place finish this
                                      year at Legion Speedway in Rumney.
           His car number is 03, as a tip
        of the cap to dad Jamie and his   away then and you just focus on  year (2019) I decided I was going
        grandfather’s #30 cars. He chose   the race,” said Comeau.  to try to win it in 2020,” he said.  Paul V. Fleming
        a white with purple numbered    In 2019 he came in fourth in   Comeau took his 1500 lb. car
        color scheme so it would be eas-  his division, an admirable finish  to the track this past spring and
        ily noticed on the track during a   for a young man who had only  gave it his all in 2020. His senior   & Sons LLC
        night race.                  been a licensed street driver for  high school project at Newfound
           The best part about racing   a little over a year. He took that  Regional High School was even          Master Builders
        though is not just the family leg-  on as a challenge though and has  about his car and his passion for    Carpenters • General Contractors
        acy but the feeling he himself   been fighting to show he is capa-  racing.
        gets when he climbs behind the   ble of competing with more ex-  Determined to make the best
        wheel.                       perienced drivers.            of his fourth season in competi-
           “Pretty much everything goes   “When I came in fourth that  tive racing, Comeau left his high
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