Page 10 - NewfoundLakeLife December 2020
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Page 10 Newfound Lake Life December 2020
Back in The Saddle Equine Newfound Lake Life
Therapy Center (BITS ETC) Newspaper Comes
Seeking Community Support to Newfound Area
Back in The Saddle Equine Therapy Center (BITS ETC)
This Giving Tuesday and Beyond Dawna Shackley of New-
seeking community support this Giving Tuesday and
beyond. found Impressions aims to offer
HOPKINTON - Along with has not been a year in recent the Newfound area residents a
November 17, 2019 history where this spirit of giv- lot more than the premier issue
the rest of the world, Back in
Back in The Saddle Equine Therapy Center (BITS ETC)
The Saddle Equine Therapy ing has had the potential to be as of “Newfound Lake Life”; she
Hopkinton NH - Along with the rest of the world, Back in The Saddle Equine Therapy impactful as this one. Every do- hopes to foster a new connec-
Center (BITS ETC) has been
Center (BITS ETC) has been deeply impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. As a non-profit tion to their community.
seeking community support this Giving Tuesday and
deeply impacted by the COVID-
organization, the impact has also left vulnerable the horses and those whom they serve. nation helps keeps horses cared With 5,000 copies pro-
19 crisis. As a non-profit organi-
Due to state restrictions, BITS ETC closed during the spring, relying on generous for, and gives BITS ETC the op- duced each month and direct
zation, the impact has also left or the horses, while also giving the
donations and PPP assistance to feed and care f portunity to continue to make
organization precious time to map out a plan to again serve their community in a safe a lasting therapeutic impact on mailed free of charge to each
vulnerable the horses and those
and COVID-cautious environment. those who need it most. Go to household and business in the
whom they serve. Due to state
Newfound Lake area, in Bristol,
restrictions, BITS ETC closed
In July, BITS ETC opened with a renewed Alexandria, Bridgewater and
during the spring, relying on
emphasis on safety protocols and an excitement November 17, 2019 Hebron with drop offs in the
generous donations and PPP
to see riders working with their trainers, and December 1st to help. area.
younger riders trotting alongside their newly
assistance to feed and care for
trained parents. For some children in this About BITS ETC “The purpose of the paper is
the horses, while also giving the
pandemic, these experiences are the only Back in The Saddle Equine to let area residents know what’s
organization precious time to
going on in their community-all
activities they participate in, outside of their Hopkinton NH - Along with the rest of the world, Back in The Saddle Equine Therapy
In July of 2019 she opened
Therapy Center is a nonprofit
homes. map out a plan to again serve year round.” Shackley says “let’s Newfound Impressions in Bris-
501(c)(3) association based in
their community in a safe and Center (BITS ETC) has been deeply impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. As a non-profit
face it, due to the Covid and the
tol, a Graphic Design and Print-
COVID-cautious environment.
As we enter into the winter, with a new wave of COVID concerns, the need for Hopkinton, NH. Certified in- recent real estate boom, new
organization, the impact has also left vulnerable the horses and those whom they serve.
donations and public support is greater than ever for the life of organizations such as structors and therapists provide ing Service located at 20 Lake
In July, BITS ETC opened of their homes.
BITS ETC. with a renewed emphasis on As we enter into the winter, safe and effective treatment for residents are mixing with old, Street, Bristol.
people living with disabilities, creating a brand new commu- “We are aware of the chal-
Due to state restrictions, BITS ETC closed during the spring, relying on generous
safety protocols and an excite-
with a new wave of COVID
Giving Tuesday has historically been a day to celebrate the generosity of giving, and from children to adults. Their nity of its own.” lenges small businesses face in
ment to see riders working with concerns, the need for donations
there has not been a year in recent history where this spirit of giving has had the Newfound Lake Life will include reaching key audiences with
donations and PPP assistance to feed and care for t
their trainers, and younger and public support is greater
potential to be as impactful as this one. Every donation helps keeps horses cared for, healing and therapeutic ser- local news, events, non-profit he horses, while also giving the
riders trotting alongside their than ever for the life of organi-
and gives BITS ETC the opportunity to continue to make a lasting therapeutic impact on vices are also offered to veterans organizations, sports and local a limited advertising budget”,
organization precious time to map out a plan to again serve their community in a safe
those who need it most. Click here on December 1 to help. and frontline workers (fire, po- she said. “Newfound Lake
newly trained parents. For some zations such as BITS ETC.
children in this pandemic, these Giving Tuesday has histori- lice, EMTs, and more recently businesses. In addition, each Life combines the best of both
experiences are the only activi- and COVID-cautious environment. month the paper will feature worlds’ for advertisers; direct
expanding to service hospital
About BITS ETC cally been a day to celebrate the profiles of people in the com- mailed to every household and
ties they participate in, outside generosity of giving, and there communities who have been munity with an interesting story affordable rates”.
Back in The Saddle Equine Therapy Center is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) association based in deeply impacted by the stress to tell.
Hopkinton, NH. Certified instructors and therapists provide safe and effective treatment and mental fatigue of this pan- Shackley’s publishing career Newfound Lake Life also invites
In July, BITS ETC opened with a renewed
for people living with disabilities, from children to adults. Their healing and therapeutic demic year). began in the Boston area as a schools and non-profit organiza-
services are also offered to veterans and frontline workers (fire, police, EMTs, and more “Horses change lives. They tions to submit monthly articles
graphic designer, advertising
emphasis on safety protocols and an excitement and event listings. Local busi-
give young people confidence
sales representative and pub-
and self-esteem. They provide
to see riders working with their trainers, and nesses are encouraged to offer
lisher. For over 25 years, Shack-
tips from their experience with
peace and tranquility to trou-
ley has been in the newspaper
bled souls. They give us hope.”
younger riders trotting alongside their newly expert columns, advice articles,
industry for weekly, monthly
even recipes of the month!
Toni Robinson
and shoppers. During the
trained parents. For some children in this
Landscaping • Hardscapes & Design • Property Management To learn more about Back 2000’s Dawna founded Free- Fancy yourself a writer? “We
Docks • Remodels • Commercial/Residential Plowing & Sanding in The Saddle Equine Therapy lance Graphics, a full service plan on being community fo-
cused and community based,
pandemic, these experiences are the only
470 MAYHEW TURNPIKE, BRIDGEWATER, NH 03222 Center and their mission, please printing and publishing com- Shackley says. We invite read-
visit, or contact
pany specializing in designing
Jaryn Hall-Haines, Executive
activities they participate in, outside of their ers to submit announcements,
and producing colorful news-
articles, events and story ideas
Director, 364 College Hill Rd,
papers and magazines. She is
homes. Hopkinton, NH 03229. (603) a local resident after moving to to: lakelife@newfound impres-
Hebron in 2018.
As we enter into the winter, with a new wave of COVID concerns, the need for
donations and public support is greater than ever for the life of organizations such as
Giving Tuesday has historically been a day to celebrate the generosity of giving, and
there has not been a year in recent history where this spirit of giving has had the
potential to be as impactful as this one. Every donation helps keeps horses cared for,
and gives BITS ETC the opportunity to continue to make a lasting therapeutic impact on
those who need it most. Click here on December 1 to help.
Back in The Saddle Equine Therapy Center is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) association based in
Hopkinton, NH. Certified instructors and therapists provide safe and effective treatment
for people living with disabilities, from children to adults. Their healing and therapeutic
services are also offered to veterans and frontline workers (fire, police, EMTs, and more