Page 191 - GM Booklet Dec 2022 demo
P. 191
g. Longer Loop Lines: • Works uploaded in IRPSM and • Sanction from Rly Board
(i) SC-DHNE section: sent to RB on 01.12.2022 for awaited.
Divitipalli & Devarkadra shortlisting.
stns. --
(ii) SC-MUE section: Bolsa
(i) SC-MUE section: -- • Works uploaded in IRPSM and • HQs approval awaited.
Masaipet stations. sent to HQs on 21.11.2022 but
not shortlisted.
h. Dupadu (DUU) Yard • Works uploaded in IRPSM and • Sanction from Rly Board
remodeling 31.03.24 sent to RB on 01.12.2022 awaited.
II. Works proposals yet to be uploaded in IRPSM under other Plan Heads:
Sl. Next step/Steps with
No. Work TDC Current status intermediate TDC
a. Auto section: Proposed under PH-3300 (S&T • HQs Needs to be forwarded
Umdanagar – 31.03.24 works) in IRPSM and sent to to Rly Board for shortlisting.
Mahabubnagar (86 km) HQS.
b. TXR point at Dichpalli To be proposed under PH-4200 • Needs to be uploaded in
(DHP) -- (Workshops including PUs) IRPSM by Mechanical
The doubling works with RE between Mudhked – Dhone section (182.82 KMs) was
sanctioned vide Pink Book, Page No.7.2.4, Item No.44 in the year 2019-20 and the works to
be carried out.
Prioritization of Doubling works to increase throughput and mobility:
Section KMs
1. SC-MUE section
a) Medchal - Manoharabad Jn. 13.08
b) Nizamabad Jn. - Janakampet Jn. 06.30
c) Janakampet Jn. - Mudked Jn. 82.02
d) Manoharabad Jn. - Nizamabad Jn. 119.54
2. SUB-URBAN section
a) STPD „A‟ - STPD „B‟ Cabins Chord Line 0.70
3. SC-DHNE section
a) Mahabubnagar - Devarkadra Jn. 24.43
b) Dhone Jn. - Kurnool City 53.51
c) Kurnool City - Gadwal Jn. 55.47
d) Devarkadra Jn. - Gadwal Jn. 50.54